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Andromeda_ last won the day on May 12

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  1. I saved evewy wettew yowouwu wwowote me fwowom the mowoment i wead them i knew yowouwu wewe mine yowouwu said yowouwu wewe mine i thowouwught yowouwu wewe mine dowo yowouwu knowow what angewica said when we saw yowouwuw fiwst wettew awwive? she said, "be cawefuwuw with that owone, wowove. he wiww dowo what it takes towo suwuwvive." yowouwu and yowouwuw wowowds fwowoowoded my senses yowouwuw sentences weft me defensewess yowouwu buwuiwt me pawaces owouwut owof pawagwaphs yowouwu buwuiwt cathedwaws i'm we-weading the wettews yowouwu wwowote me i'm seawching and scanning fowow answews in evewy wine fowow sowome kind owof sign and when yowouwu wewe mine the wowowwd seemed towo buwuwn, buwuwn yowouwu puwubwished the wettews she wwowote yowouwu yowouwu towowd the whowowe wowowwd howow yowouwu bwowouwught this giww intowo owouwuw bed in cweawing yowouwuw name, yowouwu have wuwuined owouwuw wives dowo yowouwu knowow what angewica said when she wead what yowouwu'd dowone? she said, "yowouwu've mawwied an icawuwus. he has fwowown towoowo cwowose towo the suwun." yowouwu and yowouwuw wowowds, owobsessed with yowouwuw wegacy... yowouwuw sentences bowowdew owon sensewess and yowouwu awe pawanowoid in evewy pawagwaph howow they pewceive yowouwu yowouwu, yowouwu, yowouwu… i'm ewasing mysewf fwowom the nawwative let fuwutuwuwe histowowians wowondew howow ewiza weacted when yowouwu bwowoke hew heawt yowouwu have towown it aww apawt i'm watching it buwuwn watching it buwuwn the wowowwd has nowo wight towo my heawt the wowowwd has nowo pwace in owouwuw bed they dowon't get towo knowow what i said i'm buwuwning the memowowies buwuwning the wettews that might have wedeemed yowouwu yowouwu fowowfeit aww wights towo my heawt yowouwu fowowfeit the pwace in owouwuw bed yowouwu'ww sweep in yowouwuw owoffice instead with owonwy the memowowies of when yowouwu wewe mine i howope that yowouwu buwuwn
  2. Is it just me or did my attention span get worse ☹️☹️☹️ like i can barely pay attention in math class. No matter how hard I try I always end up zoning out 😭
  3. Andromeda_

    hey lol

    Hi and welcome back to the abyss of death :3 I only joined the forums in 2022 so I don’t know you, but I remember seeing a lot of your posts when I would stalk the forums as a guest. welcome back!
  4. Other furries here, what made you a furry? for me it was the lion king, balto, warriors, and a lot of animation memes on youtube
  5. Why does Boreal Warden from CoS kinda remind me of Stolas theyre both lanky, tall, powerful, and have owl-like elements in their designs
  6. Does anyone else randomly get the urge to start screaming hazbin songs at the top of their lungs or is it just me 😀
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