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Because this should probably be here. These apply to the whole Niche section.

No extreme gore or sexual content. (Or keep it very biological)

Roleplay in the roleplay section. Challenges, Fanart and playthroughs as well in their sections. (Stories belong in the fanart thread).

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Please be also aware of the general forum rules:

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1 minute ago, Renio2490 said:

Also I get really offended if someone talks bad about wolves.

Funny, I used to be like that when I was 10. But then again, I was going through that phase where I legitimately thought I was a wolf, so...

Wolves are cool animals still

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1 minute ago, Goggles-kun said:

Funny, I used to be like that when I was 10. But then again, I was going through that phase where I legitimately thought I was a wolf, so...

Wolves are cool animals still

I'm just really protective of them and if anyone talks anything bad about wolves I need to come up with at least 10 comebacks. But if someone likes wolves, they're on my side. 😅

aaaaaa I'm weird

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3 minutes ago, Bostonlobstah said:

I like wolves. But sometimes they get rabies. Sooo....

I don't like wolves with rabies I guess

[insert 3 insults]

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