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When your brain fails


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So I just feel like sharing my recent brain fails. Because I had a lot in the past week.

First of all I tend to have super vivid and coherent dreams (the past week I had a lot of them but only when I put my alarm on, when I didn't then there were no dreams, which sucks). Like usually I have a real story line going on and the dreams tend to be pretty epic and action filled (I like to think that is  because I write stories and want to become an author, but maybe I am just a giant nerd... probably both). Which is part of the reason why I like sleeping so much. It is not like lucid dreaming though. Most of the time I am not aware that I am dreaming and if I am I usually still can't change anything... go figure XD

However when I have these insanely cool dreams and my alarm wakes me up I tend to wake up and be like 'what?! Where, who and when?" and then I tend to want to go back into the dream. So I tend to be pretty confused. BUT I managed to top my usual confusion yesterday morning. As in my dream I did the same movement as in real life to shut up my alarm, but I was awake, just I was not sure. So I had a short crisis of figuring out reality. It was a little freaky XD


Another thing that happened today was that I took a different subway station than I usually do and my brain was convinced the whole train ride that we were going in the wrong direction. Even when I looked out of the window and could see that we were moving in the right direction my brain was just like "nope, definitely wrong direction". That was a little odd.


Do you guys have similar stuff happen to you from time to time? (I guess the dream one probably happen from time to time) :D

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My dreams are stupid because I can convince myself that something in the dream is something else, even if it is TOTALLY not that thing. For example, Niche. I was on a 'niche island' but it looked nothing like a niche island. And last night, I had a dream I found a white silkie chicken and then it became my 5 year old sister but I still just was like "this is a chicken obviously"

I dunno. My brain's weird.

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I have the exact same dream thing happen to me. I have a Percy Jackson and the Olympians OC called Atalanta, and I always have dreams that I am her and just run around with an assortment of gods (Norse, Egyptian, Aztec, Greek, Roman and more) and then I wake up and I'm like "NO!!!!!!!!!"

(Of course it has action. They usually get into some crazy adventures as various animals such as Night Furies, Night Lights, foxes, Light Furies, wolves, cougars, eagles, falcons, cats, various breeds of dogs, rabbits, chickens, and sharks.)

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Guest SilverTheNicheling

I can’t really say what dreams I have since I don’t remember them the second I wake up.. it’s a part of why I don’t sleep very much, not just cause of the insomnia, but because of the fact that I rarely remember my dreams.. and that’s a pain because I would wish to actually remember my dreams, maybe they’re signs sent to my psychic brain, maybe perhaps it’s a sign that.. I REALLY NEED TO GET MORE SLEEP! But hey.. seems like I never do.. smh.

Oh, and one more thing.. there is actually something I remember in my dreams, but usually it ends up falling off a cliff and I get a sudden shudder during my sleep, I feel really uncomfortable during those dreams so yeah another reason I should add as to why I hate sleeping, bah.. it’s a lot of reasons why.

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Well, I can lucid dream and the dream movies are nice. But I always forget them. What I don't like is what I don't forget. Sometimes I'm someone else, or in a barely off future 'reality'. Seeing people I'll actually meet years later... I'm not superstitious, but predictive dreams are creepy. At least I knew to keep running about a year ago, because I also knew that that metal clock would otherwise smash my head in. Things like that. It's always wrong, too. The scenario is exactly the same, but the results differ. Downside of thinking in connections, not words, by my guess. Dreams weird enough to warrant some stay in crazy-town, probably selectively remembered when an alike enough event kicks in. That fail might be chronic

Still not going to be on my phone when the results from the Matura come back, because the sun will shine, I'll look away and be hit by a car when walking home. When did I have that dream? Why, when I didn't even know said dream-school actually existed. Since a part of me acknowledges that nonsense, perhaps I'm indeed just half-crazy or a schizophrenic in development. Give me nightmares any day, but I don't know what to think about that. I haven't and won't ever talk about it in real life, but... sometimes I wonder what the hell is wrong with me. You don't get to take liberties with reality and not have it come back to bite you in the ass. You can explain this easily enough, but it's a pretty bad symptom of one overarching system fail

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4 hours ago, Pegasus said:

However when I have these insanely cool dreams and my alarm wakes me up I tend to wake up and be like 'what?! Where, who and when?" and then I tend to want to go back into the dream. So I tend to be pretty confused. BUT I managed to top my usual confusion yesterday morning. As in my dream I did the same movement as in real life to shut up my alarm, but I was awake, just I was not sure. So I had a short crisis of figuring out reality. It was a little freaky XD

I remember once on a school day, I had a dream where I got up and checked the time on my phone. It said like 1:30 somethin- PM I thought 'Why is there no school today? oh well.' so I went back and laid my head on my pillow. When my head hit the pillow, my mom came bursting into my room Irl.


Um... and another dream I knew I was dreaming but I couldn't change anything. I proceeded to be a nightmare as I screamed NO inside my head just watch.


A weird one: I was playing a weird version of slime rancher (The moss blanket was like behind the house.) and I wanted to check the time (Dream me wanted to stay up all night. Ironic as I was asleep already.) and I was turning my head to check the time and I woke up in the same position (Without the computer.) as I was in the dream. Weirdest one so far.

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I don't think I've ever had a not-weird dream.

Here's some dreams I've had:

  • I run through my apartment, robbers chasing after me (I remember that they were there to steal my huge stuffed bear. This was some years ago, and also the oldest dream I remember.), huge rabbit falls through ceiling (this was a second story apartment, there was one more level above) in front of me.
  • For some reason I'm a guy in the dream. Guy-me kisses a girl. I remember that the girl was black and had shoulder length black frizzy hair and also I think freckles. 
  • Dream me is somewhere with my 'little brother' (I have no siblings). Some weird bubbles are floating in the air in front of us, I think there were things in them. The scientists in front of us (the bubbles are imbetween us) tell us both that we have cancer. that was weird.
  • So, I have a friend on Roblox called JohnsonTheRobloxGuru (he's part of my Online Family!). I call him Guru (when we first met, if I tried typing 'Johnson' in the chat, it would turn into hashtags). We used to always play Pokemon Brick Bronze (RIP :() on there. I had a Talonflame named Buddy (Talonflame and it's pre-evolutions are still some of my favorite Pokemon). Anyways, I had a long dream. All I remember is sitting on my Talonflame, flying through the sky. I also remember that I was a princess. And that Guru was in the dream.
  • This one was weird. In the dream, i'm probably like a middle-aged guy. I'm in a vacuum store, I own it (or at least, I'm the boss). I use a vacuum to vacuum up (and thus murder) 'my grandma' (It wasn't real-me's grandma, but I remember that it was dream-me's). I walk away. I walk pass a ton of creepy workers vacuuming up a cat. I walk outside. Above me, there's a window with shutters. Some guy pops out and says something, can't remember what. I run out of the parking lot. And then the weirdest part. I swing away off of trees and roofs. Then I woke up. I was full of fear when I woke up. I think it was because dream-me was a murderer on-the-run, so I was scared I would get caught...
  • Before I got Niche, but I watched Seri's videos of Niche. In the dream, it's in-game. All I can remember otherwise is that I'm playing the game with Seri.
  • Another Niche dream, I remember none of it though, just the fact that it was about Niche.
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15 hours ago, randomspacecat said:


Well, I can lucid dream and the dream movies are nice. But I always forget them. What I don't like is what I don't forget. Sometimes I'm someone else, or in a barely off future 'reality'. Seeing people I'll actually meet years later... I'm not superstitious, but predictive dreams are creepy. At least I knew to keep running about a year ago, because I also knew that that metal clock would otherwise smash my head in. Things like that. It's always wrong, too. The scenario is exactly the same, but the results differ. Downside of thinking in connections, not words, by my guess. Dreams weird enough to warrant some stay in crazy-town, probably selectively remembered when an alike enough event kicks in. That fail might be chronic

Still not going to be on my phone when the results from the Matura come back, because the sun will shine, I'll look away and be hit by a car when walking home. When did I have that dream? Why, when I didn't even know said dream-school actually existed. Since a part of me acknowledges that nonsense, perhaps I'm indeed just half-crazy or a schizophrenic in development. Give me nightmares any day, but I don't know what to think about that. I haven't and won't ever talk about it in real life, but... sometimes I wonder what the hell is wrong with me. You don't get to take liberties with reality and not have it come back to bite you in the ass. You can explain this easily enough, but it's a pretty bad symptom of one overarching system fail

I am not going to pretend that I understood all of that... because I didn't. But how do you know that you can lucid dream when you don't remember them?

13 hours ago, Aetherskye said:

I remember once on a school day, I had a dream where I got up and checked the time on my phone. It said like 1:30 somethin- PM I thought 'Why is there no school today? oh well.' so I went back and laid my head on my pillow. When my head hit the pillow, my mom came bursting into my room Irl.


Um... and another dream I knew I was dreaming but I couldn't change anything. I proceeded to be a nightmare as I screamed NO inside my head just watch.


A weird one: I was playing a weird version of slime rancher (The moss blanket was like behind the house.) and I wanted to check the time (Dream me wanted to stay up all night. Ironic as I was asleep already.) and I was turning my head to check the time and I woke up in the same position (Without the computer.) as I was in the dream. Weirdest one so far.

I had that nightmare thing happen to me too. Luckily as soon as I realized it was a nightmare (just as the big bear wanted to kill me) I willed myself to wake up (which worked surprise, surprise) and I continued to read through half the night because I couldn't sleep anymore after that. Though that was some years ago. I didn't have a 'proper' nightmare in ages.

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2 hours ago, Pegasus said:

I am not going to pretend that I understood all of that... because I didn't. But how do you know that you can lucid dream when you don't remember them?

I had that nightmare thing happen to me too. Luckily as soon as I realized it was a nightmare (just as the big bear wanted to kill me) I willed myself to wake up (which worked surprise, surprise) and I continued to read through half the night because I couldn't sleep anymore after that. Though that was some years ago. I didn't have a 'proper' nightmare in ages.

If I choose to fully lucid dream, it gets moderately boring. Rememberable, but boring. Most of the time, I'm in a white room, or there is a stillness no matter what I put into it.  If you control a normal dream knowing what you do, you're left with a snippet. Even if I don't, dreams are hazy to me not because the whole is gone, but because they're a garbled mess of fake sensory input and thought-strings. There's no holding onto it, 10-20 minutes out of bed and even that disappears. There's a footprint in rare cases, like knowing you physically were on holiday with the family 5 years ago, but can't pin a single memory to it. If I try, I get a half snippet of senses that frankly makes no sense.

Trying to remember last night, that would be turmoil, raspberries and some landscape, which I can't identify because it's blurry, as if I had been moved in the snippet. There's no sound, smell, or sense of touch attached to it, just some mess of a visual and emotion. Lucid dreaming leaves a sharper inprint, more context remaining to a snippet. As does being waken up in the midst of it. There was something about mice in a disney style a while back, but I can't remember what came before the scene, even if what happened in it. Then there was the one where I didn't want to see a character crushed in a more video-game like scenario. I hope that makes sense. Kind of.

What I'm trying to say is that the degree of consciousness is proportional to my ability to retain a dream, possibly because thinking 'sorts' information in that instance, escaping the fate of having the input mangled and all over the place.

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On 5/17/2019 at 3:09 PM, randomspacecat said:

If I choose to fully lucid dream, it gets moderately boring. Rememberable, but boring. Most of the time, I'm in a white room, or there is a stillness no matter what I put into it.  If you control a normal dream knowing what you do, you're left with a snippet. Even if I don't, dreams are hazy to me not because the whole is gone, but because they're a garbled mess of fake sensory input and thought-strings. There's no holding onto it, 10-20 minutes out of bed and even that disappears. There's a footprint in rare cases, like knowing you physically were on holiday with the family 5 years ago, but can't pin a single memory to it. If I try, I get a half snippet of senses that frankly makes no sense.

Trying to remember last night, that would be turmoil, raspberries and some landscape, which I can't identify because it's blurry, as if I had been moved in the snippet. There's no sound, smell, or sense of touch attached to it, just some mess of a visual and emotion. Lucid dreaming leaves a sharper inprint, more context remaining to a snippet. As does being waken up in the midst of it. There was something about mice in a disney style a while back, but I can't remember what came before the scene, even if what happened in it. Then there was the one where I didn't want to see a character crushed in a more video-game like scenario. I hope that makes sense. Kind of.

What I'm trying to say is that the degree of consciousness is proportional to my ability to retain a dream, possibly because thinking 'sorts' information in that instance, escaping the fate of having the input mangled and all over the place.

You have a convoluted way of explaining things from time to time XD I got it though.

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