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Dear Drone Engineers,

We just released the 0.7.2 patch for the new Campaign Update on the preview branch.

Here is how you can get the preview build on steam:

– Open your Steam library
– Right click on Nimbatus in the Steam library
– Select Properties / Beta
– Select the Beta tab
– Enter imadeabackup as password to unlock the preview branch

– Select Preview_0.7.0 from the drop down
– Restart steam in case the game does not update automatically or you can't see the preview branch


New Features

  • Drone Skins can now be rotated
  • Added Piston part that can be extended and retracted
  • Added 4 new travel events
  • Added option to transfer all drones from a campaign save to the creative mode on game over


  • Reworked mineral persistency, instead of having a display of the percentual mined amount we now store where you already collected it.
  • Reworked Shop UI
  • Improved travel event scenes with proper assets
  • New icons for resources
  • New icon for Heavyweight
  • Added Basic Blaster as starter weapon in creative mode
  • Removed max stack size limit for parts
  • Changed name of “Health” to “Hull”
  • Added tool tips for Hull and Threat display
  • Changed the way physics joints compare the mass between parts. This should lead to a small stability improvement.


  • Slightly decreased average amount of ore gained per mission reward
  • Items in shops are now bought using Unobtainium
  • Shops now offer the ability to buy Tritium for Unobtainium
  • Reduced the burning damage scaling
  • Objects now stop burning after 5 seconds, unless they get heated up again.
  • Increased rate at which fire and cryo ammunition change temperature
  • Plasma and cryo weapons now increase / lower temperature at the same rate
  • Removed fuel tanks from shops for Researcher
  • Lowered health of shipwreck-parts
  • Slightly increased durability of Energy Shield
  • Changed distribution of shops throughout galaxy
  • Grenades are now faster, explode more quickly and lose velocity on initial impact
  • Halved shotgun projectile count and doubled shotgun projectile damage
  • Increased max projectile count per shot
  • Adjusted weapon upgrade prices for researcher in campaign mode


  • Stonemantas don't spawn fireflies anymore when they are frozen
  • Fixed minimap being blank on asteroid field missions
  • Removed possibility to travel to a previous galaxy in sandbox mode, as this is needed for the new mineral persistency 
  • Increased readability of CoalBrick in Relic Mission
  • Fixed placement of resources on lava planet corridor
  • Made lava fireflies more susceptible to cryo weapons
  • Fixed wrong amount of weapon upgrades in shop items
  • Pressing Esc during the intro now skips it instead of returning to the main menu
  • You now go back to the galaxy map when exiting and the mission is already finished.
  • Fixed bug in corp laboratory mission where no laboratory would spawn
  • Fixed bug where double battery recharge rate for Researcher wasn’t working
  • Fixed drone workshop max diameter not being displayed correctly in racing modes

We plan to release the update next week, so please report any critical bugs until monday!

Cheers and Thanks,
Stray Fawn Studio

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  • Markus pinned this topic
12 minutes ago, z0mbiesrock said:

I think something broke bad. Sometimes the part counter does not update properly.

hmm ok do you have a screenshot or can you explain what happened?


Sometimes, when you enter testing, a pulse engine hooked up to a direction indicator will fire instantly for no reason.  Not just a logic glitch, there's no way it should have power on load.


The remote resource transfer stopped working from 0.7.1 to 0.7.2.

I tried to delete the modules and place them again, no change.

Remote fuel and energy still works fine.


The remote resource transfer stopped working from 0.7.1 to 0.7.2.

I tried to delete the modules and place them again, no change.

Remote fuel and energy still works fine.


Are you sure? Strange :/ I just checked it and it worked for me. Are you sure you are using the captain (in the campaign mode) and have placed the resource tank properly in the container?

[edit] it seems to work in the creative mode as well, if you select the "wireless resource transfer" option. hmm


Yes, the captain is displayed as the right one, energy and fuel works remotely.

I haven't modified my drone, a version earlier the remote resources just worked like intended. (dropped the resorce tank into the container)

I willcopy / create a new drone from scratch and report my findings.


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I wasn't able to reproduce it. I didn't try the original drone and just copied it to try if it works and it did. thestes he original one and to my surprise it works without a problem. 

Maybe my problem was a special snowflake and melted as i restarted Nimbatus?

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  • Micha unpinned this topic
On 8/3/2019 at 11:18 AM, corona_wind said:

Sometimes, when you enter testing, a pulse engine hooked up to a direction indicator will fire instantly for no reason.  Not just a logic glitch, there's no way it should have power on load.

The engines that fire on load, seem related to engines which were charged on exit.

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