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MATTRESS last won the day on November 4 2023

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  • MATTRESS says to quit your job join our lethal company improv [they/he]

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  1. /vent 

    tw: transphobia (gonna put it in quotes) 
















    so my aunt just said that???? afab (assigned female at birth) people (or people who dress feminene while being nonbinary or both idk)  that identify as nonbinary aren't 'real' nonbinary?????????????? like she also said its child abuse that parents aren't doing things about that??????? like wtf????????

    she also went on a rant like a year ago about pronouns (i think she said she/they pronouns are just women being 'special snowflakes'???? idk i don't remember) 

    and this was all because i think my mother told my aunt i was nonbinary (or my cousin said their nonbinary to her did but i don't think they would??)

    so yeah im really mad rn

    1. Pancake


      can I kill your aunt /hj (sorta /srs)

    3. F00lz the person

      F00lz the person

      Hold up- let me just grab my baseball bat (it's a metal one) 

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