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Does anyone else have a cursed save file?

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When I was sending my creatures to the last "island" in the archipelago before the swamp, the first three creatures that tried to cross the water drowned. As I was leaving, a wanderer spawned on that island and got hit by a coconut.

My stay at Swampy Hill was surprisingly peaceful, but when I tried to leave, a chain of events happened. I had a rogue male mate with my home star, and killed him with poison. Shortly after that, a rogue male with toxic body spawned. One creature looked very similar to his father, and I accidentally mixed them up. The path to the jungle port involved walking through a section of shallow water, and I had a creature get hit by a coconut. When I was almost there, I encountered a wanderer. I figured that this wanderer could start a family with the other creature I was leaving behind, so I sent her into the mini jungle in the center of the island... Only to have her get attacked by the carnivorous plant in the mini jungle.

I've never traveled to a Rainforest island with so much jungle foliage before. I swear, there was twice as much foliage as there usually is. The river in the center was more tedious to cross than ever, in part due to the foliage and a carnivorous plant. I decided to get out as quickly as possible because there wasn't enough food. To add insult to injury, the first smelly fruit tree I encountered was surrounded in stick piles. As I was almost out, I found a wanderer who might be mistaken for a rogue male, he was blind with two bad paws and derp nose. I'm not sure why I decided to waste food on him.

I am currently on Overgrown Jungle. I had a toxic rogue male mate with two of my females without me noticing, and then I had to save a creature from another carnivorous plant. The direct path to the blocking vine roots is blocked by carnivorous plants, so I have to take the long way out of the swamp.

I swear, this save file is cursed.

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Thanks to even more bad luck, I ended up starting from a new bloodline. I'm worried that I'll run into a glitch where I can't join Adam's tribe even with home star immunity, so I'm just going to get a new save file and go to a different island.

I've consistently failed to survive in even the easiest jungle islands, so I'm going to go right until I find a mountain port. I've had great experiences with the mountains.

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That sounds quite chaotic ^^ I usually have the 'same immunity' curse, recently it is B always passes on and C and G don't want to for the life of me...

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My first game in story mode was beyond broken. I read the traveling instructions very carefully.

It all went very smoothly and when it didn't, I still had an absurd amount of food to fall back on.

However, my issue was that no port to harder islands spawned when it should have. After crossing 10 more islands, I downloaded a trainer for infinitive movement. Another 20 islands later, the port finally made an appearance

Today, I would have simply restarted the game. Back then, I thought the whole game might be broken or that I was doing somerhing wrong.  The insult added to this injury is that it happened all over again with a line I really loved and had to delete.

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On 7/30/2018 at 10:10 AM, Jojo said:

That sounds quite chaotic ^^ I usually have the 'same immunity' curse, recently it is B always passes on and C and G don't want to for the life of me...

Recently, I've discovered the Bearyena Tribe Curse.

Never name your save file Bearyena Tribe or Carnivore Tribe if you want an easy game. Every single save file with that name has had a lot more bearyenas spawn than usual. Now, I'll excuse my deleted Deadly Hills save, but I've never seen so many bearyenas in Burning Savanna, Whale Island, or Summer Mountains before. And I've had previous playthroughs on all of those islands, so it's not like I'm visiting them for the first time.

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52 minutes ago, PopsicleNinja said:

Recently, I've discovered the Bearyena Tribe Curse.

Never name your save file Bearyena Tribe or Carnivore Tribe if you want an easy game. Every single save file with that name has had a lot more bearyenas spawn than usual. Now, I'll excuse my deleted Deadly Hills save, but I've never seen so many bearyenas in Burning Savanna, Whale Island, or Summer Mountains before. And I've had previous playthroughs on all of those islands, so it's not like I'm visiting them for the first time.

I love bearyenas, they are a great meal! I'm gonna name my next save just that!

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16 hours ago, PopsicleNinja said:

Recently, I've discovered the Bearyena Tribe Curse.

Never name your save file Bearyena Tribe or Carnivore Tribe if you want an easy game. Every single save file with that name has had a lot more bearyenas spawn than usual. Now, I'll excuse my deleted Deadly Hills save, but I've never seen so many bearyenas in Burning Savanna, Whale Island, or Summer Mountains before. And I've had previous playthroughs on all of those islands, so it's not like I'm visiting them for the first time.

I have to try that now :D

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My starters once had three claws on them. They ran into one when they had their first child. "Yay, free food!" Is an odd first thought, but there weren't too many berry bushes. Trying to only eat predator meat sounds like something that could only work in the deadly hills, though. 

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1 hour ago, Skysplash8 said:

@RandomWanderer ..What? I'm confused. 'had three claws on them'? Do you mean they were attacked three times? What did they run into? Why is 'Yay, free food!' an odd first thought? It's a good first thought!

I think with three claws he means one starter had two and the other one claw so that makes three claws and enough to easily take down a bearyena :D

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I mean, it's not really cursed, but here's a screenshot I just took of my tribe showing what's currently happening in my Whims of Fate challenge..


Note: Where it says 'Male's Albino Child', it's supposed to say Rouge Male. Also, that blank square isn't supposed to be there.

Edit: Forgot to mention that Rareana is pregnant with that same Rouge Male's child.

Edited by Skysplash8
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