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can i make this a petition? [serious post]

wikipedia [he/him]

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Anyway, could everybody please put their pronouns in their role/bio? (like how i have it)

I know I feel extremely uncomfortable if I misgender somebody, and this is basic decency I think (especially since if we normalise it, non-cis people won't feel as much pressure) 


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9 minutes ago, wikipedia (angel) said:

you have to enable it ^^ 

although i did mean the text under a username 

That's the rank... and since I have them enabled it's possibly "write a public message on your feed". But I've never tried that. There's also an "about me" in the settings, but that doesn't turn up. And would have made for a very convenient place. 

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1 minute ago, Spacestar TheThundersuncat said:

That's the rank... and since I have them enabled it's possibly "write a public message on your feed". But I've never tried that. There's also an "about me" in the settings, but that doesn't actually turn up.

all my other social medias call it a status,,, ah, to be old 

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I can do that, I'll go ahead right now actually :) 

Fun fact: I'm actually a demigirl, don't think I ever told anyone that before? For a while I was contemplating if I was trans because I pretty much knew I was a girl, but I didn't completely feel like one? If that makes sense? Like, I didn't care if anyone reffered to me as male, I'd just be like 'Hi my name is Hailey and I have a fear of uno reverse cards' (True story) but being a girl didn't feel completely right, but I knew I wasn't male? It was a really confusing and long and complicating process but once I found out what a demigirl was I was just like 'oop that makes sense'

Sorry for my blabbering, but I think you get the point :')

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I really don't care about what people call me. I'm from a country with no gender pronouns. I'm a cis girl, so she/her is preferred, but I'm not bothered by they/them. I also don't really mind if someone misgenders me.

I'll add it to my bio incase someone forgets it (which I'm totally fine with).

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5 minutes ago, wikipedia (angel) said:

pronouns arent gendered

Then why are they called gender pronouns? This whole thing is just confusing to me. But it's really none of my business

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Just now, wikipedia (angel) said:

only cis people call things 'gender pronouns', sorry to break it to you 

I'd say this is less of "breaking it to me" and more of informing me. I'll try to remember that in the future

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Just now, Google Kääntäjä said:

Then why are they called gender pronouns? This whole thing is just confusing to me. But it's really none of my business

Pronouns are just words

like, someone can go 'aye I identify with a guy about as much as I identify with a pineapple covered in tartar sauce, but can you call me a him? Thanks'

People just use whatever feels right, I guess? I don't really care what people call me (She/her is what im used to, but you can call me an it for all I care)

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1 minute ago, Clover said:

but you can call me an it for all I care

"Se" (meaning "it") is pretty much the only third person pronoun in Finnish speaking language

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Just now, Google Kääntäjä said:

"Se" (meaning "it") is pretty much the only third person pronoun in Finnish speaking language

Huh, interesting

Im boring and I live in Washington (That's in America) , but I know some French 

Otherwise, im clueless about other languages mostly :')

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Just now, Google Oversætter said:

Then what is a pronoun? Can you please tell me? :D

 a pronoun is a way to referring to somebody without the use of their name :) 

eg: 'Wow, xer hair is really pretty!' or 'Hey, did you see that they got 100% on a test?' 

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