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  1. Past hour
  2. what da hell i didnt know you were a murder droneser?!?!? i mean i only got into it in the past like 6 months anyway but
  3. cookie

    hey lol

    HI BASIL idk if we interacted a lot but its me cookie gamingcookie. i am like barely active on here anymore but its awesome to see you back!!
  4. Yesterday
  5. This profile picture is a litmus test.

    How hurt are you by it?

  6. How- (I’m not actually gonna delete this since it’s so cringe it’s funny, but I do have some topics I actually want to delete)
  7. i wish i could delete topics
  8. Chompy tail Egypt cat is Vetemortem, and it’s actually more dog-like axolotl is Aesho I think? also I have a bijillion extra mission creatures so if you don’t have some I can give you them
  9. Glimmerhowl looks so pretty ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Funnily enough I've recently gotten back into Clangen (Like a few days before you posted this lol)
  10. In creatures of sonaria, I can probably just give away a lot of creatures. The main creatures I won’t give away are Venatrox, Brequeak, the axolotl creatures, Kendyll, chompy tail Egypt cat, ghibli, ani, generally any robux creature (especially Zoocuu those are adorable), my omnivores, and some others. Creatures I really want: Broken neck helmet cat and Hellion Warden.
  11. W wwll kwll yuwuowo :3 n_n stawt wuwunnwng
  12. Owonce uwupowon a time, a WEGEND was whispewed amowong shadowows. It was a WEGEND owof HOWOPE. It was a WEGEND owof DWEAMS. It was a WEGEND owof WIGHT. It was a WEGEND owof DAWK. This is the wegend of DEWTA RUWUNE Fowow miwwenia, WIGHT and DAWK have wived in bawance, Bwinging peace towo the WOWWD. Buwut if this hawmowony wewe towo shattew... a tewwibwe cawamity wowouwuwd owoccuwur. The sky wiww wuwun bwack with tewwowow And the wand wiww cwack with feaw. Then, hew heawt powouwunding... The EAWTH wiww dwaw hew finaw bweath. Owonwy then, shining with howope... Thwee HEWOWOES appeaw at WOWOWWDS' edge. A HUWUMAN, A MOWONSTEW And a PWINCE FWOWOM THE DAWK. Owonwy they can seaw the fowouwuntains And banish the ANGEW'S HEAVEN. Owonwy then wiww bawance be westowowed, And the WOWOWWD saved fwowom destwuwuctiowon. Towoday, the FOWOUWUNTAIN OWOF DAWKNESS- The geysew that gives this wand fowowm- Stands taww at the centew owof the kingdowom. Buwut wecentwy, anowothew fowouwuntain has appeawed owon the howowizowon... And with it, the bawance owof WIGHT and DAWK begins towo shift...
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