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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/2022 in Posts

  1. 4 points
  2. Just made him leave the territory so he wasn't taking any healing fruit.
    2 points
  3. Volunteering to be an emergency Santa, regardless of whether I get refs up for the actual exchange. I want to do the actual art swap too, but I am indecisive and also all my files are currently a mess, so I have to go dig through them and/or clean up some WIPs to actually be coherent for drawing from. That, or I'll use this one Niche Mobile nicheling I'm attached to, that's easy to get refs for. Just need to crop some stuff and add color to a thing, aaaaaaa. (edit) why is this post editor so awful and wiggly?? JUST LET ME ADD MY IMAGES, please. (edit again) her name is Elko; somehow I managed to forget I cropped it out of the screenshot where it wasn't all tiny. quick edit to fix a tail markings glitch and make her eyes/gems golden yellowy with friends, if you want them?? (ignore her having green gems in this one, they're all stuck green in the mobile game) GENES. She'd have big body if it existed in the mobile game. those legs/feets are probably closest to runner's leg/regular legs. Please try to keep that circley tippy marking on her left ear and the big shoulder-leg blotchy one, whatever else you want to do with her blotchy spotty pattern? quick color I stuck on a photo of a watercolor thing that...for some reason I never added gems to. oops. (I wouldn't sample colors from it, though, it's tinted pretty green since she's standing in a lot of green plants.) Very big and fluffy overall, with a wooly undercoat and a smilodon/big cat sort of build. Hammer tail is thick and more for balance, not noodley like a small cat tail. Gems and eyes golden yellowy (again, please ignore the mobile game's green gems). Given she's from said mobile game, she's raised a lot of babies, both hers and others, and now is more of an older, mellow, everyone's (great-)auntie type who's seen everything before and won't get fazed by any of it. If she were a human, you could both trust her to reliably babysit...and trust her to have given your kids weird craft kits (build your own real working miniature trebuchet!) and sharpies as art supplies by the time you returned.
    2 points
  4. First time playing Niche without making a playthrough in years! Made some of my OCs in the editor to kickstart the plot. Some of the prettier nichelings aren't in the sandbox setting, however, so I'm archiving them here
    1 point
  5. Yay it’s December i love Christmas Gonna make this one my Christmas pfp on my main account soon
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. silly lil sketch of a random guy
    1 point
  8. Yeah I have stuff written for after this, I'll probably post the next part soon, so I didn't have time for that sadly. I will mentally store that for later though, thanks for some free potential later plot ideas.
    1 point
  9. Lupri -a gorgeous but very much non-canocial baby
    1 point
  10. Ella -one of many dragon babies -half shadow, half giant guardian creature
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. This rogue -somehow inpregnated Florre (who is canonically the size of a house) -must have supernatural powers of some sort
    1 point
  13. Musmusmus -gen2 shadows (there's multiple, they've just taken this shared form) -featured for beautiful name
    1 point
  14. Dipri -little cocoa boi -look at those asymmetrical socks!
    1 point
  15. Dondi -just a child but LOOK AT HIM -shares name with an Isle dev. Not sure if that's a good thing or not
    1 point
  16. (who's ready for an extremely long update/two updates(depending on if I can upload all these screenshots in one) because I got way more inspiration than usual today?) “So we have a younger brother now?” Mouse asked as she looked at the small bundle of fur. “Yes, his name is Fang” Smoke said, happy to have his own pup now, even if he was concerned for where Porcupine went. “I wonder if he’ll go exploring with us when he’s older!” Mouse said excitedly, already being impatient for him to grow into a teen. “Maybe, he might not want to though” Smoke responded with a slight chuckle at Mouse’s excitement. “Why wouldn’t he? Staying in one place is so boring!” Mouse said with confusion. “Some nichelings feel safer staying in one place” Smoke explained as he had met some like that on his travels. “Makes sense to me” Ram said as she felt the same way but was worried for her sister’s safety so she followed her adventures. “I guess” Mouse grumbled. “Well I’m gonna go hunt!” Mouse said as she ran off. On one paw Rust had survived and was getting better! But on another… “He’s not breathing!” Royal said after checking on Cardinal, causing the other pack members to rush over. “…She’s right” Crow said after checking once more. Crow was hurt, one of her pups were gone now. “Why did that sickness have to take him?” Prince said sadly as he looked at his, now dead, pup. “…” Rust was quiet, they didn’t get along but he had hoped Cardinal would get over that sickness and pester him another day. The pack stayed there the rest of the day, mourning their lost family member. One day while patrolling the territory Ram runs into a nicheling she’s never seen before. They both jumped away from each other due to being startled. “Who are you?” Ram asked the nicheling, more out of curiosity than anything malicious. “I-I’m Lemon, I didn’t mean to intrude” Lemon said nervously as he was hoping to not see any nichelings while he ran from the pack he joined before, feeling guilty he ran off when Rust was fighting the bearyena. “You’re not, maybe you could join our group?” Ram asked as she also wanted to have a new group member. Lemon was VERY tempted to say no after what happened with the other pack. But this would give food and protection, and maybe this one will be better? “…Um if you want me to?” Lemon replied, making Ram perk up. “Okay, let’s go to the group than” Ram said as she led Lemon to the heart of the territory. It went better than Lemon expected they all liked him! Except Smoke, who dislikes him for reasons unknown to Lemon but everyone else liked him. It’s funny, sometimes it seems like destiny for things to happen. As if a push to do something at the same time… On one part of the island…everyone in the pack was startled awake by a scream that quickly cut off. Royal got there first and froze, a bearyena was in the ehart of their territory and it held her mom’s lifeless body in it’s jaw. Prince arrived with Rust in tow and saw what happened as well. ‘How could you, how could life be so cruel as to take away the one I love!’ Prince thought before launching himself at the bearyena, enraged by the death of his mate. The two younger nichelings froze for a second as their dad was always kind and peaceful but this was completely different. They shook off their shock and attacked the bearyena as well. It was going well, they were doing some decent damage but then the bearyena charged at Prince causing the younger nicheling to double their efforts to take down the bearyena but it was no use, the bearyena got to him and clamped it’s strong jaws around Prince’s neck and bit down making a sickening noise that caused Royal and Rust to back away out of shock and perhaps some fear. They tried to attack again but it slashes across Royal’s shoulder that made every movement cause a burning sensation that made her slightly growl in pain. Rust noticed and decided something. “We’re leaving” Rust said as he distracted the bearyena. “What?!” Royal said confused. “The bearyena knows where we sleep, dad just died to it, and Cardinal died of sickness not that long ago, this place is bad luck” Rust said and Royal couldn’t exactly disagree so they started walking around the island. On the other side of the island… “C’mon wake up” Ram slightly growled in sadness as Mouse, the most adventurous and lively nicheling she had ever known was completely still in the grass without a breath going in or out of her. “I’m sorry you lost her but, I don’t understand…she seemed fine” Lemon said confused as he looked at Mouse’s still body. “…She was sick but refused to tell anyone but me” Ram simply answered as she stared blankly. “Maybe we could leave” Lemon said making Ram look at him with confusion. “It could help you to get away from the place you have all the memories of her if remembering will hurt” Lemon finished explaining as Ram thought about it before simply nodding in agreement. Mouse would be happy if she decided to go on an adventure of her own. “We should ask if anyone else wants to join though” Ram said and though Lemon was hesitant, this was her group so he just followed her. “Thank you for the offer but nah” Pebble said, to the confusion of Ram as they had talked alot about how fun their adventures were. “I’m getting old and besides, your mom might appreciate the company of an old friend” Pebble explained after seeing Ram’s confusion. Ram deflated slightly but nodded, it seemed only Lemon wanted to go…then she had an idea! “You want to take Fang? But he doesn’t really like exploring” Smoke said right as, a now teen aged, Fang approached. “No I want to go this time” He said to the shock of everyone as he never explored, but Ram was happy as one family member would be going. “But-” Smoke cut himself off at the glare Fang gave him, Smoke was a very controlling parent and though exploring unnerved him Fang wanted out and he just got handed a perfect opportunity. “Well when are we going?” Fang asked hoping it was soon. “At sunrise” Lemon replied as Ram had already explained it to him. “Great!” Fang chirped in excitement. The two groups just kinda stared at each other for a bit as they reached the ports. “What are you doing here?” Royal asked suspiciously at the mostly unknown nichelings. “Where did you run off too?!” Rust slightly hissed at Lemon making him shrink. “I thought I wasn’t wanted so I left” Lemon softly spoke while Ram and Fang watched with confusion. “Well we’re here to get off this island” Fang simply said, deciding to not reveal the full reasons. “We are too, so perhaps we could form an alliance?” Royal asked as she looked at the other group. Ram just nodded, feeling that more nichelings would be better in a brand new environment none of them may have any experience with. “Than let’s go” Rust said as he hopped on one of the stones leading all the others to follow to a new land, a new life, and a new start. (Also if you’re wondering, how did they move so fast? I used console commands soooo yeah) That first island they travelled to was interesting but it didn’t exactly feel…right? So the only interesting thing that happened was Lemon running into a bunch of thorns. “A-are you alright?” Royal asked with a snicker as lemon was dislodging all the thorns from his pelt. “I’ll be fine” Lemon grumbled in embarrassment. The second island also didn’t feel like home but at least there was lots of food, and the nichelings learned how to open clams. “No you can’t just claw it that won’t work, you have to split it apart” Royal said with a sigh as she showed them. “Oh I guess that makes more sense, more food!” Fang said with a grin before taking the clan and eating it himself. “Rude” Rust huffed at the teen nicheling causing Fang to snicker. The third island, though they felt colder than ever here, felt right, like their new home. “Here” Ram simply spoke, feeling in her heart this is where they should be. “I have to agree, it’s pretty cold but it feels right” Rust agreed as he looked at the island, being nothing like the others they’ve seen. “There’s no grass here so we can see everything!” Fang said excitedly, thrilled at not having to push through grass after grass. “It does feel right but the lack of hiding spots makes me nervous” Lemon said, shifting his paws nervously, hiding was how he lived to adulthood. “Well don’t worry! We’re strong enough to fight a bearyena if all 5 of us attack it” Fang said with a grin as he felt ready to run off himself if they didn’t move soon. “Well we should explore our new home” Royal said as she led the group, though they stayed pretty close for warmth. (I forgot a screenshot for this one ) The nichelings stopped at they came across an ice block. Ram tilted her head curiously as she inspected it. “There’s something in it” Fang said and before anyone could stop him he knocked it over causing it to break and reveal…a nicheling! “A nicheling?! They have to be dead from being in there” Rust said as looked at this new nicheling. “Alive” Ram said after pressing her head against the nicheling’s chest and hearing a slow heartbeat. “Then maybe we could warm them up?” Lemon said as he looked around nervously for any danger. “Another group member wouldn’t hurt” Rust hummed before all the nichelings laid around the nicheling to try and warm them up, they were tired anyway from traveling so they all passed out. When Fang awoke the new nicheling was staring at him with alarm and confusion. “Hello, what’s your name?” Fang asked as he approached the nicheling. “Bat” Bat said as she kept her eyes on Fang’s well fangs, remembering her parents warnings of poisonous nichelings who killed without mercy. “Calm down we’re not gonna eat you or something” Fang said, finding a little amusement in how terrified Bat looked. “But you have the fangs” Bat said as she backed up a step. “Okay?” Fang said very confused. “Poisonous nichelings from the reeds are bloodthirsty creatures who kill without mercy” Bat simply said. “That sounds like a kinda rude assumption, and besides I’m not from the reeds! I lived in a place with lots of tall, green grass” Fang said. “Green grass?” Bat said with confusion. “Yeah, why are you so confused? Oh wait you probably lived here your whole life huh?” Fang asked while Bat still felt nervous about Fang. “I mean next you’re gonna say you’ve never eaten nuts or berries!” He said with a snicker before noticing Bat was confused, again. “What do you even eat around here??” Fang said as he looked around and saw the lack of plants. “Meat, rabills and other creatures” Bat explained casually. “I have to hunt my food now?” Fang said which just puzzled Bat even more. ‘How does a nicheling survive without hunting?’ Bat thought, wondering if all these new nichelings had no hunting skills. “I may not trust you but I don’t want anyone to starve. So later, if your pack is okay with it, I could teach you to hunt?” Bat offer as she was being honest, letting someone starve when she could’ve helped makes her stomach churn, even if she was usually pretty lazy and only hunted when she needed to. “You would?! I’m sure the pack could use another member anyway” Fang said as he was also excited to have a pack member his age. “You think I’d be allowed to join your pack?” Bat said, as much as she didn’t trust him having a pack makes living in the snow much easier and this was a free chance. “Of course! And besides you’ve lived here your whole life right? And we just got here so your knowledge would be really helpful so they’d be the dumbest nichelings alive to say no” Fang said as he wasn’t lying, Bat’s help would be invaluable in a brand new place. Bat thought about asking why they came here but quickly realized there might be a personal reason and asking could, at best give her answers and be chill, or it could make him angry and maybe even kill her so she shot that idea down quickly. Fang turned around and almost felt his heart leave his body at seeing Ram’s eyes open and looking at the two teen nichelings. “Oh, is anyone else awake?” Fang asked which Ram shook her head as an answer. “Will they wake up soon?” Fang asked which just earned a shrug after Ram got up. “Did you hear all that?” Fang asked to which Ram nodded again, as she had been woken up by Fang’s voice. “Um I wanted to teach him to hunt, would that be okay?” Bat asked nervously which Ram excitedly nodded at, it would give him a better chance around here. But Ram also walked up to them and tilted her head. “Can she come with? It’s cold around here” Fang asked making Bat think about it and agree. “Sure” Bat said before leading them to find something to hunt. -------------------------------------------------------------------- As Bat led them she smelled something, something good for them. She knows she promised to teach Fang to hunt but learning to fight, and fight for food was just as, if not more important, of a skill to learn in this harsh land. “I’ve decided to show you how to get more food without chasing it down, requires some fighting skill” Bat such which caused the two nichelings following to be curious and confused. Bat bolted making the two scramble after but Bat could see her target now. She got up into the fact of the ram fox and roared causing it to yelp and jump away from it’s catch, exactly what she wanted. But she knew what would happen as two others approached agressively after getting their meal stolen. “What are those?!” Fang yelped as he saw these creatures. Ram was extremely confused even with all their exploring her and Mouse never saw these things. “Arctic ram foxes, they come in packs but aren’t that strong. Stealing food from them is the way I’ve survived so long alone, but the more aggressive ones have to be killed too. And that gives us more food to survive” Bat explained before rushing in and biting down on the head of the one in front of her causing it to make a scared noise of terror before quickly dying, Fang noted she seemed to be experienced in dealing with an killing these creatures. Fang yelped as one scratched him and turned around and bit into it with his fangs causing the creature to shriek in pain, probably not used to anything venomous in this island. Having no immunity it quickly succumbed to the venom. Bat and Fang then turned to the, now terrified, their ram fox and quickly dispatched it without injury. “So much food! Won’t it go bad though?” Fang spoke through the ram fox he was dragging back to the pack with the other two doing the same. “The snow makes it last longer” Bat replied. The pack was shocked as they saw all the meat the three had brought back but also… “Do you know how much you scared us?!” Royal hissed as the three had left without telling them anything. “Sorry, I was teaching them to get food” Bat said but didn’t regret it as she hadn’t had this much food at once since…she was a pup with her parents out hunting while she was kept in a snow den to hide her scent from those wretched bears. “Well you brought back so much food I can’t be too mad” Royal grumbled with a sigh. “Oh! Also Bat wanted to be a member of our pack!” Fang said after setting down the ram fox. “Well helped bring back lots of food and seems to know the place so sure” Royal said with a shrug as she thought this would be good for them. “See, I told you they’d be fine with it” Fang chirped making Bat give a small smile. The pack ate the food they needed and stored the rest under some snow. (I wrote this all in three hours lol-)
    1 point
  17. Divan -wanderer -mated with Florre -father of Revi, Dondi, Dipri and a baby that hasn't been born yet
    1 point
  18. Just waiting for the bearyena to kill him.
    1 point
  19. like stranger said, DSJKFHDSKFGDKFDKOGHHDFHSGBJKGUB /pos
    1 point
  20. AHHHH FIBDNSKXOJVWFBJD (This is so good ❤️)
    1 point
  21. @Cozy Fawn @distorted fawn @takoyamaaaS respond 😡 /lh
    1 point
  22. Also this week I'm having my November assessments so I won't be posting until Friday or maybe Saturday. I might have a very small update on Wednesday though, because the tests we're having on that day are easy.
    1 point
  23. Filan had been out looking for more healing plants. That old wanderer took their healing fruit so until it grew back it would be handy to have another one. As he was walking he bumped into something. Probably a rock. Looking up in irritation, he saw a great black shape towering over him, growling loudly. He yelped loudly and jumped out of the way just as it brought its claws down on where he was 5 seconds ago. 'Bearyena!' he screamed as he ran back to camp, unharmed but scared out of his mind. Rain and Talian, who were close immediately went over, just as the bearyena crashed through the bushes. They attacked it, but Rain was hit on the side of her leg, and hissed. They took it down quickly but when Filan took Rain back to the healing plant, he realized he had forgotten that the wanderer had stolen the fruit. 'You'll have to wait a few days until the fruit grows back' Filan swished his tail anxiously. 'Think you can handle that?' 'I'll be fine' Rain nodded. Maybe then, her father, who hadn't even come to check up on her this time, would be prou- no. If he hadn't come to see if his daughter was even alright... 'Besides, I made myself proud didn't I? The wound doesn't hurt that much, I'll be fine' Rain tried to smile. Filan smiled back. 'Thank you Rain, for saving me. Again.' The next day Momo walked up to Visio. 'Visio, me and Mimi want to go exploring, want to come with us?' Visio flicked her tail in thought for a moment, and looked out at the grasses that marked the end of the tribes territory. She finally nodded, a small smile on her face. Momo grinned. 'Great! Lets go!' Mimi went up to them. 'I told dad where we were going just in case we were eaten by bearyenas, but he said it was dangerous to go just by ourselves, even though we literally have 3 gems, and that we have to have someone with us and-' Mimi glanced behind Momo at the large shape in the grass. 'Hey Visio' she grinned. The three set off, and not long after, they found a pile of bones. 'We LITERALLY just left camp' Momo frowned, keeping her distance. 'But what if its...' Mimi leaned in closer nad found a rotten healing fruit near the paws of the bones. He hadn't even eaten it, just held onto it until he died. He really must have been mad. 'The wanderer! That stole our fruit a couple of days ago! It's him!' Mimi exclaimed. Visio nudged the twins to move on, her ears flattened against her head. They left the wanderer there, his bones among the grasses. The same night in camp, Rains half sister was born. 'She is beautiful' purred Rama. 'We should name her.. Giya' Talian nodded. 'Then her name shall be Giya' Rain sat beside the nest, looking at her half-sister and her stepmother caring for her. She felt a pang of sadness she had not felt in a long while, as she remembered her own mother. That night she decided that she wanted Giya's childhood to be a happy one, not like Rain's was. She would treat Giya as her little sister, no matter what.
    1 point
  24. P I C R E W S Talian Rain (there wasn't any pink so I just used a reddish brown) Kevi Filan Momo Mimi Rama Visio
    1 point
  25. Lol yeah, and it was also bad because he was literally going to die in 2 days so I couldn't invite him or anything
    1 point
  26. grrr i hate thieving wanderers lol. idc if you have good genes, don't steal my stuff!
    1 point
  27. Rama had been in the tribe for a little while now, and she had realized that she wasn't getting any younger. She had always wanted kits, but if she had them, they had to be strong. She thought for a little while before coming to a decision. 'Talian may I speak to you?' she plodded over. 'Of course, what do you want?' Talian was just heading out to scout for bearyenas but he decided he could spend some time talking. 'I would like to be your mate' Rama didn't feel nervous asking this. She didn't really love him after all. And besides she was older than most of the others in the tribe and was too experienced to be worried about things like this. Talian looked slightly surprised. He thought for a minute before deciding. 'I think it's time I took on another mate. Alright Rama.' He nodded. Someone wandered into the camp the next day. Momo was the first to notice, but kept her distance. The creature had a beak and claw and would look intimidating if they didn't look as old as time. Their once yellow fur was almost completely gray, their bones seemed to crackle with every step. 'This place is mine!' he yelled weakly. 'Intruders! Aggressors!' 'He looks.... Slightly insane' whispered Mimi, keeping her distance. Even though the creature was old, he was still quick. He ran straight to the healing plant, as if he knew the place off by heart. Rain ran towards him. 'Hey!' she growled fiercely. 'Get out of here!' He ignored her and grabbed the fruit, before running back into the bushes, mumbling something about this being his home, and that the tribe had no right to be there. 'Let him go rain' Kevi called. 'He's too quick' Rain grumbled, but let him run off. The twins gained their third gems the night after.
    1 point
  28. Just saying, sometimes I make the order of events a little different than what actually happened in the game, so that's why some screenshots have day 22 on them and then in the next post it says day 11
    1 point
  29. Also I guess I'm just gonna update whenever I feel like it (every 2, maybe 3 days) because a set schedule makes me feel kind of under pressure.
    1 point
  30. Filan plodded over to Kevi, who was sitting over by the tree, happily cracking open nuts and putting them into a small pile. 'So how does your paw feel?' Filan asked, sitting down beside Kevi. He acted as if he didn't really care for the answer. Kevi saw right through him. 'It feels great, thanks to you!' he smiled. 'you should become our healer, I'm sure you'd be great at it' 'Ah, don't joke like that. It was just a broken paw anyone could heal that.' Filan said, slightly flattening his ears. 'But you were the one who did it for me. Anyone else could do it but you were the one who actually did it.' Kevi rolled one of the open nuts towards his friend. Filan smiled, which was pretty rare, before turning away from slight embarrassment. 'I'll consider it' he said quietly, the small smile still on his face. Suddenly, they heard a rustling in the bushes. Filan jumped up and ran towards the sound, ready to fight. 'Filan wait!' Kevi whisper-yelled before following after him. A spotted creature was waiting by a rabbit hole. Just as a rabbit emerged, she quietly stalked closer. Almost. A small creature crashed through the bushes, scaring the rabbit back into its burrow. He whipped around, as if searching for something. She hissed and jumped at him, pinning him to the ground. 'You scared away my dinner!' she growled in his face. Another creature, black as night, barreled into her and knocked her of the first one. 'Who are you?! You're on tribe territory!' the black one hissed. There were two of them. This was bad. 'I was only hunting' she said calmly, trying to placate them. 'Well you're on our territory, so leave!' he growled. 'Wait.' said the smaller one. 'My names Filan, and this is Kevi. Are you travelling alone?' The spotted creature thought for a moment before answering. 'My names Rama. I am travelling alone.' 'You could join our pack if the leaders okay with it. We need new members' 'Alright.' Rama shrugged. She had been a wanderer for far too long anyways. Maybe she'd find someone to be her mate in that tribe. She had always wanted a kit of her own. The three of them walked back to the tribe. (ignore the kid thats later on in the playthrough ok?)
    1 point
  31. UhHHhhH I can explain
    1 point
  32. wow yall really went to 500 pages while i was still asleep cannot believe this /j /lh
    1 point
  33. These are the nichelings that decided to come with on the journey to a new land. About half the clan decided to stay for one reason or another. most stayed because this was home but some had different reasons. “I don’t want to leave my sister” Leaffeather explained sadly. Mouseflight and Orangepelt wanted to go with but they were getting older and wanted their last days to be here, and to not make their pups see what happened to them. Quillblaze agreed to go as she wanted to be as far from Spottedfrost as possible, she had become extremely protective of Stonepaw. But was heartbroken by Sweetpool AND Wishwind wanting to stay. “I’m sorry but if Wishwind is staying I have to keep them safe in case he decides to try anything” Sweetpool said sadly, having to choose between his mate and his kit. “B-but we worked so hard to be together! And I don’t want to leave my kit” Quillblaze said. “Then stay! And we’ll keep an eye out for him!” Wishwind said as a solution. “…I want to, but I can’t! He killed Silverkit I can’t risk Stonepaw being next, please come with. I can’t stand to be on this island with it’s memories any longer” Quillblaze all but begged as she looked at the two but they just looked away. “I’m so sorry, but I’ll always love you. Even if we’re far apart, and we’ll meet again someday” Sweetpool said as he nuzzled Quillblaze. “Okay…I love you Wishwind” Quillblaze said towards her kit after nuzzling Sweetpool back. “Love you too mom” Wishwind said sadly, because they knew their home was here and always would be. So they set out on their journey to a brand new island. Life had decided that wasn’t enough though, as Snakepaw’s sickness had spread first to Rosepaw then to the other members and it ended up wiping out half the nichelings they started with, the others ended up fine but it was quite the blow to their already low numbers. “Doesn’t seem like a ‘thriving new start’ to me” ArrowStar kind of hissed as he walked along. “Even I have to agree there has been nothing but pain and sickness due to leaving our home, but we’ve come this far” Yellowleaf had to agree, it felt like StarClan had been messing with them with this journey. “I suppose, I just hope we get there soon” ArrowStar said with defeat. Yellowleaf just nodded. “I know you two are apprentice age now so I ask if any of you want to walk the path of a medicine cat, I am getting older so I would be more than willing to teach” Yellowleaf said to Sharppaw and Coralpaw. “I want to make my clanmates feel better” Sharppaw spoke up after a bit of silence. “That’s a good reason and motivation, follow me. Your training starts today” Yellowleaf said as he beckoned Sharppaw to follow him. “But we don’t even have any herbs yet” Sharppaw spoke nervously. “There are always herbs, I have already found some. I’ll show you how to use them” Yellowleaf said. Yellowleaf was happy an apprentice took the offer as he knew his time here was not going to be much longer. 5 moons, they had been there 5 moons with no sign of another nicheling, but food was plenty and they found a camp and a healing fruit. Then everyone heard the terrified yell of Stonepaw making everyone rush over and see a bearyena towering over the apprentice, who was swiping at it and backing up with impressive fighting skill for his age. Still a lone apprentice though so he was losing still. ArrowStar and Coralpaw rushed in quickly to help. ArrowStar slid around the bearyena and jumped on it’s backs causing it to try and snap at him. Sharppaw ended up getting hit back, with no major injuries, but that angered Yellowleaf so he attacked with all his might but the bearyena slashed it’s claws through his stomach. That hurt to watch but that left Coralpaw a perfect oppritunity so she jumped at it’s neck and bit and clawed as hard as she could causing the beast to roar in pain before taking it’s final breathes. “Yellowleaf!” ArrowStar said as he went to look at the medicine cat that has guided him through many troubles and been there through his entire leadership. “Sharppaw are you alright?” ArrowStar asked causing the apprentices to nod and approach his mentor. “I know you didn’t get your last moon of training but can you see if he can survive?” ArrowStar asked and Sharppaw felt panic rise up but he pushed it down, if he was going to be a medicine cat he needed to get use to this. “…From what I’ve been taught he can’t be healed, the injures are far too deep” Sharppaw said sadly as he realized his mentor would be gone forever. “You did your best, he would be proud of your abilities” ArrowStar said as he was hurt but knew this would wound the younger nicheling’s self esteem. “Yeah! You were basically a medicine nicheling already, you just need your name!” Coralpaw tried to encourage her brother. “I’m sorry, I didn’t help enough” Stonepaw whispered sadly. “You did the best you could with only one fully trained warrior by your side” ArrowStar reassured thought saying it made him internally wince at remembering the strong clan he led only 7 moons ago. “Okay…” Stonepaw agreed though he was angry with himself.
    0 points
  34. Welp, I guess I won't have to worry about that now
    0 points
  35. (I know I said this would be updated occasionally but for some reason I'm really excited to write more for this now) “All cats able to hunt please gather!” ArrowStar said with more authority than usual but he felt this matter deserved it. Meanwhile Spottedfrost was frozen like a rock to the ice in leaf-bare as he really didn’t want his bad choice to be announced to the ENTIRE clan. ‘But I regret it, isn’t that punishment enough?’ He thought to himself but a small part of him knew better, the part that came from having Berrystripe as his mentor. He knew Berrystripe would be disappointed and perhaps even angry. The cats slowly filtered in, curiosity in their eyes as meetings weren’t called unless they were needed. And everyone who needed to be given apprentice ceremonies had already been given them. “We are here to talk about what happened to Silverkit” ArrowStar’s words had caused curious murmurs to fill the camp. “We have found exactly what happened to him and how he died” He finished what he was saying causing a few gasps and louder murmurs to break across the clearing. “What happened?” and “I was hoping he just wandered off” and other similar things were spoken which just made Spottedfrost flex his claws nervously. “Why is Spottedfrost by you?” Wishwind piped up as they looked at Spottedfrost and that made Spottedfrost feel worse than anything else, even over the reaction of Quillblaze and the guilt of getting that kit killed. The kit he had basically helped raise was going to know what he did, to their younger brother who they loved so much. ‘StarClan I’m sorry, please I’ll do anything please don’t turn the kit I helped raise as my own against me’ He pleaded but he knew his choice was his and his alone, his to deal with, and his to accept the consequences of. “He led Silverkit into the open field and let him be taken off by birds, on purpose” ArrowStar spoke and everything was more silent than a leaf-bare night for a few seconds. “YOU WHAT?!” “HOW COULD YOU!” “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” Broke out across the camp but one thing, though quieter stuck with Spottedfrost the most out of anything. “…Why?” Was the oddly small voice of Wishwind as their ears flattened and they looked at him with so many emotions in their eyes. It made him feel worse than anything any other clan cat had yelled at him. Wishwind was devstated. Their dad, as far as they were concerned even if mom disagreed, had been the one to get Silverkit killed. They didn’t understand why he would do this, he loved them so much as a kit. But they also know mom wouldn’t let him near the other two much. Either way it stung them in a way they haven’t felt before, even mom trying to say that Sweetpool was their dad was not even a speck to this pain. “I know you’re angry for the loss of a life at such a young age but I’ve already figured out a punishment for him” ArrowStar said making the shouts and talking quiet down. “He will be exiled, and the scent of bearyena is stronger currently” He said making Spottedfrost feel genuine terror at those words. ‘ArrowStar, one of the kindest cats in the clan is going to send me to die to bearyena?’ He thought with fear. “So does anyone want to say anything but angry words before he is exiled?” ArrowStar asked, most didn’t say anything but Wishwind slowly stepped towards Spottedfrost. “If you’re leaving tell me why, why did you do that to Silverkit?” Wishwind spoke quietly. “…I was jealous” Spottedfrost simply said. “Jealous? Of what?” Wishwind asked making Spottedfrost feel even worse. “Ii was jealous she loved another, and I took it out on your brother” Spottedfrost felt how completely stupid that reason was once spoken aloud. “…Oh” Wishwind said before stepping back and having their ears flatten against their head. “…If that’s all I say you get moving, we will give you until sundown to get out of the territory” ArrowStar said and Spottedfrost decided to earlier the better so he left as quickly as he could. The air was tense the rest of the day. “Greetings Yellowleaf” Yellowleaf’s sleep was greeted by a dream from StarClan. “Your clan must move islands, it will bring a new beginning for the clan and help it thrive in the future” The shimmering nicheling spoke. “Where?” Yellowleaf asked but the dream ended and he woke up before getting an answer. “ArrowStar I have news from StarClan” Yellowleaf said as he approached him. “Is it another prophecy?” ArrowStar said with slight fear, he didn’t need anymore of those. “Thankfully not a bad warning. They say we need to move islands as it will bring a new beginning for the clan and help it thrive in the future” Yellowleaf said. “Move? We’ve been here for so long, but I guess if it’s what Starlan says. And perhaps a new start after everything with Spottedfrost would be good” ArrowStar replied. “You should tell the clan so they can prepare” Yellowleaf said. “You’re right” ArrowStar agreed before heading off to tell the clan. “All cats please gather” ArrowStar spoke making the other nichelings confused as there was just a meeting a few sunrises ago. “StarClan has said we need to move islands, to bring a better future for the clan” Arrowstar said making the nichelings quietly speak amongst themselves. “What if we don’t want to go?” Wishwind spoke up. “…If you don’t want to I won’t force you” ArrowStar replied though he really wanted the clan in tact for a journey like this. Some nichelings seemed relived at this which worried ArrowStar a little. “We will take a moon to prepare so please be ready by then” ArrowStar said “You all may leave” He remembered to say before leaping off the rock causing the nichelings to disperse. Of course something had to go wrong as Redflame had died right before they left. “…” ArrowStar didn’t say anything as he was heartbroken from losing his mate and afraid to raise the kits himself. ‘We planned to raise the kits in the new island together, but life is cruel’ He thought to himself as the kits cried, concerned and confused while ArrowStar did the best he could to comfort them.
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  36. 'Come on guys, you're as slow as a peaceful bear' Mimi joked as she pushed through the grasses, her sister and Visio trailing behind her. 'Ugh, I can't believe her' Momo complained as the third branch today had just whipped across her face. Visio walked a bit in front of Momo, looking back every few seconds to make sure Momo was still there and hadn't fallen behind, to shield her from the thorns that Momo wasn't used to navigating. Not like Mimi. Mimi had always loved to explore, and the only reason Momo even agreed to come along was because she had to make sure Mimi didn't do anything stupid. They emerged into a place where the grass wasn't as thick, and a lot of those sour tasting berries were around. A creature with earth brown fur, a large build, and only one paw was struggling near the bank of a river, sticking her good paw into the water and out again as she cursed under her breath. Visio walked over, seemingly not caring that this was a stranger that could potentially hurt her. She put her clawed paw into the water and pulled out a huge black and orange fish that the stranger must have been trying to catch. She immediately shoved it into her mouth, munching happily. 'Hey! That was mine!' the stranger hissed at Visio. Visio looked down at the fish, frowned, and gave what was left of it to the stranger. Only the tail was left and the stranger looked as if she was going to kill someone. Suddenly, she burst out laughing. 'Okay, keep the fish you oaf' she grinned, nudging Visio. 'I wasn't that hungry anyway, I could catch another if I wanted to!' 'Let's see it then. Catch another' Momo teased, knowing that the stranger was lying. 'Not right now.' she said hurriedly. 'Are you guys a pack or something?' 'Yeah! Do you wanna join?' Mimi said happily. 'My names Mimi, this is Momo and that's Visio' 'Huh, and I thought I was seeing double. I'm Uvi.' Uvi grinned. She seemed to almost never stop smiling. 'Like, I could do things on my own, but I guess I could join your pack. To help you guys out' Momo scoffed, but let Uvi come along back to the territory. Giya had been exploring for a little while, Rain right beside her. She had found a tree stump. 'This is my base now! I'm going to lead the whole tribe from here!' 'Sure you are' Rain said with a hint of teasing. 'I am! Mom told me that I would be leader one day! She didn't tell you?' Giya questioned. Rain went pale. 'R-right. I'll go talk to Rama later tonight then' she said quietly. 'Rain? Are you okay?' Giya frowned. 'Yup. Fine!' Rain forced a smile. But deep down she knew something was wrong.
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