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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/2023 in all areas

  1. As I suffered during exam season, specifically when I read my genetics textbook I kept thinking about how badly I would like to do a blind genetics playthrough of Niche. And now that my exams are finally over (since friday!!) I can finally do it! Time to try out the Whims of Fate for myself! Here are all the rules again, just in case someone needs a refresher (or, if I abandon this playthrough and return to it in a few weeks/months/year so future me can catch up): Blind Gene mode is on For each generation a tribe leader is picked and a number is rolled from 2-20. Throughout the tribe leader's life, that is the maximum number of nichelings allowed in the tribe. When the leader dies a new leader is picked and the tribe size is rerolled. If it is smaller than before, nichelings must be banished to reach the correct amount. Upon reaching a new island, a random number is rolled to determine which port the tribe may use is they wish to leave the island. No other ports may be used. Every Nicheling gets one mutation randomly assigned by this generator: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/214535915/
    3 points
  2. During the night Frakivi and Zeeerzur pass away. A new leader must be chosen - who will it be?
    3 points
  3. Here's a version with less intense fog
    3 points
  4. @YourLocalStranger I got a little experimental with this one, I hope you don't mind (If you do want something changed, just let me know!)
    3 points
  5. Frakivi has given birth to a son named Arrah. When Zeeerzur comes to congratulate her, he gently plays with the newborn.
    2 points
  6. To everyone's shock, Ithlurlee passes away during the night. Eluthna grieves her mate, and Babhelrin is distraught over the loss of her father. Dradeiith doesn't speak much the whole day, and when she sees Obtu and Nifra standing close together, purring, she gets upset.
    2 points
  7. Obtu sits next to Nifra and begins purring. Niva isn't used to being this close to someone else, has the tribe has stayed away from her due to her sickness since she can remember. When night falls she moves away from Obtu, hoping he won't get sick.
    2 points
  8. Ithlurlee and Dradeiith have been talking a lot, and Dradeiith's belly appears to be growing.
    2 points
  9. Babhelrin meets a stranger named Obtu. She invites him into the tribe when he tells her that he is a healer. His random mutation is tiny pattern.
    2 points
  10. Eluthna and Babhelrin go hunting together, while Ithlurlee and Dradeiith reminisce about their old tribe together. Frakivi and Zeerzur picks berries.
    2 points
  11. But for now, it is time to settle in.
    2 points
  12. The tribe finds themselves on a small, much warmer island. The port that they will use to travel on is the middle one...
    2 points
  13. Eluthna has found it! Out comes Dradeiith. The god's must like her, for her random mutation is armored body, the extinct gene she herself carries.
    2 points
  14. Ithlurlee wishes to break the ice block that the tribe has seen standing somewhere around here before the snow. However, finding it is a tough task.
    2 points
  15. Eluthna joins the tribe! Her random mutation is green eyes. She gets along very well with Zeeerzur and the two decide to start a family. Ithlurlee and Frakivi have made the same decision a while back.
    2 points
  16. The tribe is close to the port now. But with food gathering going the way it is now, they are unsure about whether they should already leave or not. And then a stranger appers!
    2 points
  17. On day four it begins to snow. The tribe travels on, still gathering some food as they go. There is a long way left...
    2 points
  18. We are progressing slowly, but getting a good amount of food. It is important that the tribe's food stores are well filled when the snow begins to fall.
    2 points
  19. While the leeches are a good food source, they are also distracting. Zeeerzur is already quite cold, which is not ideal for the journey we are about to undertake. Time for us to crack open that ice block! Our new addition to the tribe is Ithlurlee. His random mutation is brown horns. With him, the tribe is big enough so that everyone stays warm as night falls.
    2 points
  20. First course of action is to get food, while also getting closer to this suspicious ice block! Frakivi jumps into the water so she can get some food using her snout. While she does this, a leech gets to her. Luckily we have Zeeerzur around to help her. The leeches are almost lining up for us! I'm glad about every piece of food we can get.
    2 points
  21. Frakivi will be out first leader, with a tribe size of 15. I don't think we'll be able to reach that number this soon, but we'll see!
    2 points
  22. Here are our two starters: Frakivi, whose random mutation is short snout: And Zeeerzur, whose random mutation is black pattern:
    2 points
  23. Lost my original thread so I made a new one
    1 point
  24. @Chiyanna @pepper_ @takoyamaaaS @Star Starless @Cozy Fawn @Apollo AWAKEN, MY FRIENDS, THE SPIRITS DEMAND THIS TORMENT CONTINUES
    1 point
  25. Cool! I want seven hundred and twenty four games made by next week /j
    1 point
  26. (Lmao time to update this after a week and a bit. Sorry its a short update, but at least it's an update?) No one in the tribe is surprised when Andromeda and Shee announce they are mates. They've been friends since they were teenagers, and the two had always understood one another. However, the tribe was surprised when they said they would have a kit. They were still quite young. Lilit padded over to them. They were both talking quietly, and they didn't notice Lilits quiet pawsteps until she was right behind them. 'Hello. Is everything alright today?' Lilit asked. The answer wasn't really important, it was just to strike conversation so she could ask them what she wanted. 'Fine.' Meda grinned. 'I am so excited. I can't wait to have my kit!' Shee was beside her, and he nodded at Lilit. He usually let Meda do the talking. 'About that.' Lilits face fell. 'I was wondering if... Are you two sure you're ready? A kit is a lot of responsibility. It's not that I don't trust you're abilities, it's jusylt that you're both still young.' Meda frowned at her. 'Well, I'm already pregnant, so it's not like I can just reverse that. Besides, we're sure.' Meda said firmly. 'We decided on this together.' Shee affirmed. Lilit sighed. 'Well, alright. But I'm here if you need me, alright?' she tried to give a small smile. Meda and Shee both thanked her, and Lilit walked off. They were both good creatures, but they were still young. Lilit worried for their kit, and for them. Would they know what to do? Lilit shook herself. Calm down Lilit, you're like a mother hen. She scolded herself. They're both adults. They know what they're doing. Lilit guessed she was only so worried because she knew Meda since she was a little kit. Lilit didn't deny it, she was getting old. Suddenly, a rustle in the bushes interrupted her thoughts. A yellow creature jumped out, a scowl on his face. That scowl faded when he saw her. 'Hello. Is there a tribe around here?' he spoke calmly, but Lilits felt a shiver run down her spine. Something about this creature felt... Off. 'Yes. I'm the co-leader.' She said calmly back. 'What do you want?' 'I'd like to join.' the stranger smiled. His smile was wrong. It didn't reach his eyes. 'I'm sorry, but we have no more space. The tribe has enough members.' Lilit lied. There was always room for more members, but the last things she wanted was to invite this creature. He scowled, before remembering himself and looking calm again. 'Are you sure? I can be of use-' 'I'm sure.' she interrupted stiffly. 'There may be other tribe's elsewhere. You can ask them.' The strangers scowl returned. 'Fine.' He spat, before turning away. Lilit left as quickly as possible, her mind too full of thoughts. (ignore Neoki lol) ~ Zephyr lay down on the rock. She was the oldest of the tribe, and she knew her time was coming. It didn't scare her. She closed her eyes, feeling the breeze on her fur. 'Zephyr are you-' Ifi quickly paused. 'I'm sorry, I didn't know you were sleeping.' 'It's fine. I wasn't sleeping anyway. Is everything alright, Ifi?' Zephyr spoke quietly. 'I need your advice. Your the wisest here, Zephyr.' Ifi nodded at her. Zephyr motioned for him to continue talking. 'I'm at a loss. My child, Neoki is meant to be leader after me and Lilits deaths but she.... She's unbelievably weak. This is not our way, it never has been. She'll lead the Tribe of Sun to ruin.' Ifi was obviously very agitated. 'I think her younger brother, Randi, should become leader, but Lilit will not hear of it. What do i do?' Zephyr pondered for a moment. 'Let Neoki be leader.' Ifi looked shocked and angry for a second, but Zephyr continued. 'This is Lilits tribe's island. If its their custom that the oldest child be leader, then Neoki will be leader. This isn't the savanna anymore. If you wanted to keep our old customs of the strongest being leader, you shouldn't have joined with this tribe.' Ifi looked furious for a second, then took a breath and deflated slightly. 'Thank you Zephyr.' Ifi walked off quickly. She knew that Ifi was angry about Neoki being weak, though she didn't know what he would do about it. Zephyr went back to trying to fall asleep. The next morning, she didn't wake up.
    1 point
  27. Here ya go. Also yes I'm alive
    1 point
  28. Nervous brother heard a noise in the distance, and then another, that had to be someone! But as they got ready to head that way they heard another sound from the other direction. Another one? How many are out here in the fog? Or was it the same call, bouncing around, appearing to come from many places at once. The second call seemed more distant. Was there a way to get to both of these others calling out into the fog? An idea suddenly occurred in their mind, so the nervous brother called out to both, "I'm here!" they yelled as loud as they could muster, "Come this way!"
    1 point
  29. Zeeerzur and Eluthna's daughter is named Babhelrin. Her random mutation is huge pattern. Ithlurlee and Frakivi's daughter Nifra is worrisome. She's been born sick. (Her random mutation is black fur) It breaks Frakivi's heart, but she orders the tribe to stay away from her newborn cub.
    1 point
  30. Sharp searched all around, calling his name as well, but to no avail. This can't be good. Sharp let out a growl at her, which could be taken as 'go away'
    1 point
  31. I needed another rootitoot. I got two of them.
    1 point
  32. I was referring to everyone in general and I forgot to add /j
    1 point
  33. I have no idea if you are still doing theses, its ok if you arent, but here's Koko, the bubbliest most happy-go-lucky raccoon fish creature you will ever meet.
    1 point
    1 point
  35. WOO Little Guy Name: apple Little Guy Color: green Personality: likes being by herself just as a preference, but she doesn't dislike people. shes just convinced she can take care of most things on her own, but she tends to overwhelm herself trying to do everything by herself. shes pretty nice when she actually chooses to talk to people, not very personable. mipy!!!! Accessories: a scarf thats actually just one of those worms on a string (will draw her full ref later 😇)
    1 point
  36. Well my secret is that I didn't draw anything except cats (and nichelings) for 10 years and now I can draw cats and nichelings but everything else I do looks like it was drawn by a kindergartener
    1 point
  37. Drew your scrunkly scrimblo Pale Pale (there’s no shortening of Pale lmao)
    1 point
  38. When Reana showed up at the main nursery bursting at the seams, Sita was tempted to turn her away. Why did she have to show up at my nursery? She thought, now everyone will know that this illegal child was born here, giving it an awful reputation! For she knew something untoward was happening, since this was Reana's second child, and she was no breeding female. A mere food collector, with no secondary role, she had never announced her intentions of being a breeding female, neither had the council or Sita herself approved it. So she was only allowed to birth one child under tribe law. Her last had been the child of a rogue male, so with no other explanation she wondered if this one was too. As head healer Sichi rushed her into the nest and began preparing for the birth, Reana left for the other side of the nursery. Usually, she would now distract all the children she found from the unpleasant but usually rather common sight of a child coming into the world, but now she was in no mood. She busied herself by collecting grass as she pulled her thoughts together, still able to hear the commotion as Reana struggled with the birth. Part of her was for once glad for the pain that accompanied it, but then again, if it was a rogue's baby, perhaps it wasn't Reana's fault at all. Perhaps she would be as glad as anyone when the child was killed or left to die in accordance with tribe law. After all, having a rogue's child was bitter-sweet, as Reana knew, since they reminded you of the rogue and the awful thing they did to you to give you this child that would find it much harder to pull their weight for the tribe, given the genetic defects the rogues usually carried. Perhaps that emotional rollercoaster was better to be left alone, snuffed out along with the life that drove it. Though Sita did care for her rogue child, she had noticed that the unusually high number of rogue impregnations was putting strain on the tribe as a whole. And now, hearing the cry of a newborn rogue descendent, and knowing what fate awaited them anyway... This is a bad idea. And it's a dreadful thing to do. But it must be done, sooner or later. And if I correct this breaking of the law now, it would be less likely to hurt my nursery's reputation, would it not? Looking around, she saw most of the teens were outside the nursery limits, and the smaller children were sleeping. So she slowly crept back over to the other side of the nursery. The child was of course nestled next to it's mother, and she didn't think Sichi would let her hold it. So her only option was to come in quick while nobody was looking and snatch it away. After a minute of waiting, she spotted the perfect opportunity, and as she sprung into action, someone jumped in front of her path. Going too fast for correction, she bumped into them, causing her to lose her footing and fall. She muttered a curse word as she did, then said to this new nicheling, "What do you think you're doing, getting in my way like that. Don't you know who I am?" "I know exactly who you are. We grew up together, remember? And I'm preventing you from making a very serious mistake." It took her a minute to place the voice, but then she remembered. "Kirdukta? Is that you?" "Of course it is!" then he became much more serious, "We need to talk, alone." "Sure, it's certainly been a while." She glanced over at Sichi, who was giving her the death stare. Apparently Sichi had noticed something, at least this catch-up would give her time before she had to explain herself. So they walked out of the nursery, settling just at the edge of tribe territory to talk. But as they walked in silence, Sita wondered what Kirdukta was doing here, and why he stopped her from carrying out tribe law. "Why did you stop me? And how did you even know?" "I knew because I saw your posture, you looked about ready to pounce from behind and were laser-focused on that baby. What were you thinking? Why would you do such a thing?" He seemed...agitated. "She's not a breeding female, and has already had her first child. This was her second. Under tribe law, they must be killed or banished. Don't you know that?" She explained self-righteously. "But this can't be carried out by you. Only the council decides what must be done. And the warriors carry out their decision." "But it's my nursery. I decide what goes on in there. I could've prevented her from using that nest, and I can kick her out at any time. How is this different?" "This has nothing to do with mere usage and land boundaries and who decides what. This is the fate of a member of the tribe at stake." Kirdukta said, rather exasperated. "How can you call a rogue child a tribe member? They aren't fully tribe blood, nor did any tribe member make the decision to bring them into the world. They're a fluke, and one that costs the tribe dearly in terms of resources." But seeing the hurt in his eyes, she finally put two and two together, "They're not a rogue child, are they?" "No," he said quietly. "It's your child, isn't it?" "Remember when you told me that you were going to be a breeding female, the night I left for good?" "Yes, I remember," she said, surprised at the emotions suddenly coming to the surface. "And you said that even though you would have the children of many males, you loved me still and wanted me to stay, but I said if I can't have a mate just for myself, I couldn't have one at all. And I had fallen in love with someone else." "Reana is that someone else," she said, emotion raw in her voice. "And it was never supposed to happen this way. She was supposed to have one child, my child. And we would raise it together and be a family. But the rogue got to her first. He shattered our plans for a life together. We came up with a new plan, though. She was supposed to get a secondary role as a breeding female. But then we found out she was pregnant again, I guess after she had the first child we couldn't help ourselves when we got back together again, but we never expected her to have another so soon. So then we couldn't have her go before the council to become a breeding female, since they would know it was just to circumvent the rules that she had already broken. She was then supposed to have the child far from camp, pretend she found it or something, but she went into labor early." She couldn't help but feel bad for Kirdukta, maybe because she still had feelings for him. But she found her hatred of Reana developing, and her hatred of the child they had created grow even more. "Why did you tell this all to me? Don't you realize I just tried to kill the child?" "You're the only one here I really know. And I know you would've never hurt them if you knew they were my blood." It was true that though she felt hatred for the child, now she would never hurt it herself as she had planned. For Kirdukta would never forgive her. And that mattered very much to her for reasons she couldn't explain. "Yes, but why tell me all this, what can I do about it?" "You loved me once, and we are good friends of old. All I ask is that you present my case to the council, as a member with influence. Ask that the child be spared, and that if it must be punished in accordance with tribe rules, ask that the child be banished along with it's mother and me." "You wish to leave the tribe? But, you'll die! You'll die out there on your own!" "You forget, I am an explorer. I know of what dangers there are out there, and what can be done to avoid them. But I must be with my family, that is my dream. You have found your happiness here, with an important role in the tribe. I am glad for you, give me a chance to find mine." Could she really do this? Should she put her position in jeopardy just to get her best friend and the one she loved banished? "I will take this into consideration, but I must tell the council what I really think. At the very least, I will let the council and the warriors do their job if it comes to that. I will not interfere anymore, and will make sure Reana and her child have the utmost comfort before the hearing." She could at least do that, so that he would think better of her. But promising to do this thing for him was a big mistake, because even if she tried, what if it didn't work? And if she didn't, somebody could tell this to him. So this was the best thing she could think of.
    1 point
  39. Rabbil Burrow, the youngest of Woodland, had adventured out a bit too far once the group started moving. She could hear her family calling her back, but something had urged her to keep moving. When she came across a hill, crawling full of bugs, she grew strangely curious. She’d poke at it, but quickly drew back when some bugs came towards her paw. She blinked, before giving an odd smile. “I like you guys! Wanna be friends?” She’d ask, only for the termites to skitter back to their spots in line. “You’re silly little guys! Here, I’ll help you find some leaves in the morning!” Once she said that, she got to getting comfy within the tall grass, and eventually went to sleep next to the termite mound.
    1 point
  40. now looking at scarlet doesn't burn my eyes anymore :DD
    1 point
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