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  1. This is Dondon the psychopath (brown) who I totally didn't bring back using a niche savefile backup after I killed him. The female next to him (yellow) is Iskomi whom he raped forced to become his mate. Dondon's backstory is thus: He was born to the main pink line, participated in the competition for leader, which his elder brother Duktata won. After that he was relatively obscure for a while, once being noted as loyal to his brother. Then, I made a few mistakes. I brought him over to purr for his brother, but mixed him and his brother up. This led to Dondon not purring to give his brother an extra day of life, and Dondon mating with his brother's mate. This was a major betrayal. Though he wasn't successful in his breeding, they didn't know that. Duktata had another child with his mate, but they thought it might be Dondon's, which made them ineligible to be the next leader. This didn't concern Dondon, but he was subsequently banished. And then he stayed on the outskirts of the island, which made his sister Kola angry, she ran at him and he fell into the ocean. He ended up on Long Island, and decided to carry out his evil plan there. His evil plan was to mate a female to create a new line that would take his revenge on the tribe. He carried out the plan with Iskomi, and when she was knocked out dragged her to the ports and left with her to a new island. Once there, Iskomi decided she would stick with him out of necessity and not knowing what was on the new island. They now have two children on the island. I thought it would be interesting to make this into a roleplay or challenge. A tribe ruled by psychopaths is an interesting idea. Also, I rolled for how the family members feel towards eachother. Dondon: He thinks Iskomi is inferior to him. He doesn't think Mitami will be a good heir, but he still wants to train them and still wants them to be strong and try their best. He wants to kill or banish Siel, haven't rolled for why or what. Iskomi: She loves both Mitami and Siel. She doesn't care about Dondon. Mitami: She doesn't love her mother, but views her as necessary for survival. She wants to kill her father. Siel: She doesn't like her mother. She likes her father cause he's like her. A born psychopath, though still a baby. Let me know what you want to happen with this! I could make a roleplay, a challenge, or just do this as a playthrough on my own. Or an interactive roleplay/playthrough or a mix of these things. Also IDK how the polls work on this forums, I may add one later if I figure it out. Here's a screenshot of Dondon and family currently: Also here's the youtube video of me setting this up:
    5 points
    5 points
  3. epic victory royale my most recent art will be put here I guess wolf boy Micah but snake oh god another new character EPIC starlight the EPIC bearyena secondary friend ❤️ BlastWings because I like making new fantribes
    3 points
  4. art I did on stream
    2 points
  5. I put on mine :>>
    2 points
  6. I may be getting Java edition this weekend
    2 points
  7. Alright I finished it, so to add on to this: Most of the problems are just not putting periods where they should be or using too many periods, but one thing I noticed was that the descriptions of things happening are a bit too simple, if that makes sense? Like: Instead of saying 'she slipped and fell' say something along the lines of 'but she stumbled, losing balance and falling to the ground' or something More of a personal preference, but I enjoy reading it a lot more than a short description That's all I've got for now, it's not amazing but it's not bad by any means either, with some work it could be a good story ^^
    2 points
  8. I haven't read the whole thing yet, but it is pretty decent so far. The only things I can really criticize right now is commas being where they shouldn't, overly long sentences, and a small story thing: The name 'Night' feels very out of place amongst the more niche (not like the game but the actual word) names that all the other cats have like 'Ghoa', 'Nela' and 'Sereneo'. Not a huge problem, but it did kinda throw me off I haven't read the whole thing yet, but I hope to learn more about how the society works, since so far it gives off Medieval vibes more than anything
    2 points
  9. Speaking of scripts, here all the ones i dug up from my files (some are older than others) If you haven't read TAS or me and/or Foxy's playthroughs these won't even make sense but I still want to share them because I love writing them 👉👈 (Im just going in the order i found them-) Baby Bride Rag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u_nTZChPJhgnA5Hk6SJQqMKCrFX4wbVboehmjXXFzNU/edit?usp=drivesdk (this one's kinda dark-) Boys Will Be Bugs: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vw3y2NoY_C_d3wgxnwpBJvakWiPpYOpFCA2YTebBcvk/edit?usp=drivesdk I Was So Sure: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bAWLgIf-k6YLOoTXdLDXyuDjkvXR8d3MLDy7AZfVCjA/edit?usp=drivesdk (this one's unfinished) "Is It Terrifying?": https://docs.google.com/document/d/15lymm5_UboDXnxZDjYjch42Pu3G29sM4WDp0seFazGo/edit?usp=drivesdk I'm Not a Robot: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e6bhbvuqyF35Zh_1tnaX-o6rHjX9CBC1uYv6ydpu81g/edit?usp=drivesdk (also unfinished) Lovely: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JkUZB48RLlE82B6AigQdr-GA3JSoM8UyO6HWFait8yA/edit?usp=drivesdk (this one's so old i wrote in in a forum chat before a Google Doc) Meteor Showers: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wI3t-BQhU7WpIbGXUeIKNJrxoLeIqATRumfN4JiEAcQ/edit?usp=drivesdk No Romance in My Blood: https://docs.google.com/document/d/139iQnwfCnaC89qCftdIMvlKGaPkMB2cQDQ8D-QK1RaI/edit?usp=drivesdk The Ibis Song (aka Penelope Sucks): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XfIjEb6h5RPI-2Nm4TGvylr3FBT1pipcih29cnc7Ilc/edit?usp=drivesdk (unfinished) Remember?: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rD0quv1i78nN2BzAL0Rh78YalzDYWGWkzJ_EzxuzxEE/edit?usp=drivesdk That Would Be Enough: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZFc8HtItePaaJQkW49nq6Igeuce7r0MsOo7OUrtU1P0/edit?usp=drivesdk Daddy Issues: uhhh im still writing it give me like 10 minutes Im pretty sure i have more lying around but this is all i could find
    2 points
  10. I missed this heck this
    1 point
  11. I'll try to figure that out
    1 point
  12. If the eggs you have are important, I would not. if they aren't important, do it > : D
    1 point
  13. an original cat rp would be cool
    1 point
  14. The simple sentences have always been troubling me, but I'll try to work on that in the future. Can you give an example of the 'too many periods' and 'not putting periods where it should be' as well? I'd like to develop that. Thanks for the criticism! It helps a lot.
    1 point
  15. The names that the sisters have like 'Night' are supposed to be there for an important reason. It's something that impacted Nela's life and wanted to portray it in her daughters. She's got a little secret 😉
    1 point
  16. "Because they believe I was responsible.." Panther answered
    1 point
  17. Donnie's back y'all! Also good job on not giving me the chance to yeet a thousand nichelings at the lad /j
    1 point
  18. Misi pinned down Coco "YOU KILLED MY DAUGHTER!" "Whats wrong with you?!" Dust just stared at Coco in horror "Look, it was an accident." Lareel had a face mixed with emotions Coco rolled his eyes. "You can have another kid." "WHY YOU-" Dust pulled Coco away from lashing out at Misi. "Why are you doing this?" "I could ask the same thing to you." --- Misi pounced on a bunnl, sinking her teeth into its neck. Shadow went over to her. "Its nearly my time..." "What do you mean?" "I'll be up there." She looked up. "Oh." "Shadow. Promise me this. When I die, get rid of Coco." "I will." ---
    1 point
  19. I have things I want to do right now so I haven't read the doc yet but I will later...but looking at this^, I have another recommendation: scatter everything. don't put every personality and physical trait in chapter one. spread them out, especially the appearance. put in the most important traits earlier on, but save the other ones for later. and like Pincer said, show don't tell (don't use the word "feel").
    1 point
  20. How does a roleplay/playthrough work?
    1 point
  21. Man I remember I was looking for one of these codes for forever because all the cool kids have Toyhouse and nobody wanted to talk to me because I was a loser smh If you ever do get a code somewhere it would be neat if you could send it to me, I've been dying for a place to put my ocs
    1 point
  22. I need MORE It'll make me want to do more of my own playthrough :)))
    1 point
  23. My Pyro and Astrapi xenowyrms had an Obidar egg! I wonder if Staterae could be obtained like this?
    1 point
  24. There was an answer this time, a cat entered the den and laid next to you, "It's alright.." the cat whispered The two kits disappeared "Cometpaw!" you heard Blizzard call to you, "Hurry up!" "Crystalpaw, have you told Moonkit yet?" asked a tom "Yes, Shadowcreek!" answered Crystalpaw
    1 point
  25. His legs are short but it's too late to do anything about that
    1 point
  26. frick it im being a wedding crasher
    1 point
  27. (I kinda want to make a youtube video out of this. Is everyone fine with that?)
    1 point
  28. The egg apocalypse has caused lore to happen. Insalatina is disliked for killing Alistair and Ruby's egg. He has also allegedly killed his best friend Stonecrusher Jezebel, an attempt to revive her failed and she is now unretrievable
    0 points
  29. R.I.P. Alistar's Magikarp child
    0 points
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