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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/2020 in all areas

  1. drew this for my friend :DDD not the best at hands or hair, but i tried
    5 points
  2. Meme (that i made :D) and cub
    2 points
  3. anyone like my new profile pic
    2 points
  4. As Bluejay woke up the next day, she could hear something off in the distance. She remembered these voices.. but she couldn't remember why.. She tried to pinpoint where they were coming from. Then suddenly, as she tried to pinpoint the noise, she remembered. She remembered a warm body pressing again her suddenly becoming cold. She remembered a strange noise that had came out of the nichelings mouth. And she remembered what had happened after the nicheling had faded into nothing. She had been able to open her eyes, a little, on the first day. And all she saw was a color like the river, but deeper. Was it... blue? The blue things had swarmed above her, calling out to each other. "Look at it.." "It's so strange.." "Huh." Suddenly, a quiet, but commanding voice spoke out. "Leave her." The other blue things had, at least from what Bluejay had seen, seemed confused. "But.." The quiet blue thing spoke again. "She... is different. I think... she in one of them." The confused calls turned into sharp whispers. "It.. can't be.." "There hasn't been one in so long.." Then, one question ended all of the whispering. "Are... are they coming back?" This caused all of them to go silent. Then, the quiet one spoke again. "... maybe..." Then, Bluejay's eyes had shut, and she had fallen asleep. She was sure of it now. it was those voices she heard in the distance, calling to her. She was able to pinpoint the voices were coming from the north, and she knew what she had to do. She had to follow them.
    2 points
  5. Ok so everyone next competition main theme is going to be Pride to celebrate Pride month but i want to mix it up a bit more and add some more things to it. We want to see thingle like fireworks, robots and lots and lots of colour in it. We want to see you all show off support to the LGBTQIA+ community and everyone in the server that is part of it. Now this doesn't mean that you have to do this, you can still go with some or all of the other themes that we are doing for this it would just be a great thing to do and to show off this month If you want to enter please put your entries into the #entries channel this can be from things like GIFS, videos or even showing them off in the stream workshop for other community members to see and use. Everyone has about 2 weeks (until the 28 at 7:30 AEST) to get this done with winners being picked at the end of this month best of luck everyone and have fun, winners will receive a Steam key for the game Here is how you can enter the building competition: - Build the smartest, coolest looking or most creative drone using the Nimbatus Drone Creator. - Create a GIF of the drone (press F9 to create a GIF of the last 10 seconds in the game) or record one otherwise. - Post your GIF in one of these places to enter the competition: - In our Forum - In this discord channel - Or share it on Twitter with #DroneCreator
    2 points
  6. hhelo sorry for being ded i'm kinda just taking a break from the internet because i'm quite stressed rn,, i'll still visit ffrom time to time but i'm pretty much gonna be inactive on anything apart from flight rising + fer.al for a while nyway here's some initial designs of some new ocs, that i'm probably goingto use a lot idek
    2 points
  7. So you'll use a random number generator from 1-31 and whatever number you get, you'll get a phobia and you have to draw a monster that relates to that fear 1-Archaphobia 2-Somniphobia 3-Coulrophobia 4-Tachophobia 5-Trypophobia 6-Thanatophobia 7-Aquaphobia 8-Isolophobia 9-Cynophobia 10-Astraphobia 11-Agoraphobia 12-Aerophobia 13-Trypanophobia 14-Acrophobia 15-Mysophobia 16-Nyctophobia 17-Glossophobia 18-Claustrophobia 19-Demophobia 20-Melissophobia 21-Equinophobia 22-Ancraophobia 23-Spectrophobia 24-Ablutophobia 25-Haphephobia 26-Anthropophobia 27-Ophidiophobia 28-Hemophobia 29-Zoophobia 30-Nephophobia 31-Cryophobia
    1 point
  8. Look at this guy!! they're so confused!!!!
    1 point
  9. Here they are doing a little dance!! Look at them go!!
    1 point
  10. Rosy maple moths are definitely my favourite bug!! Look at this lil guy
    1 point
  11. Hmm ... yes, it's really sad, but honestly I need to try it, I just looked for copies, maybe through Steam I can find at least something else. But I found v0.0.7, only Torrent does not load .. yes, with Steam everything will be easier, thanks.
    1 point
  12. ooo I quite like the game, I think you will too. although, I never play multiplayer 'cause its too much of a hassle to download mods on both versions. also sky, your profile picture is cursed and I love it
    1 point
  13. me when my parents say "don't speak to me in that tone"
    1 point
  14. I thought about getting DST, but apparently it's harder to play in Singeplayer. If I like DS, one day I might get DST when it's on sale again.
    1 point
  15. I was talking with my friend about it and I told her that the guy is probably the kind of person that asks for free art and not pay for a commission They also commented on one of her posts telling her to stop shipping her "stupid" OC with a cannon character and I replied to their comment saying that it's her AU and she could ship her OC abd the character They also only commented on our BATIM posts I know which post you meant quote
    1 point
  16. okay. that's just mean. like, at least you put effort into your work. all they do is repost images from reddit. like, does that guy not even think about other people? people put time and effort into art and they're just going to insult it. honestly, that makes me legit really mad
    1 point
  17. Thank you! I don't think this is vector art tho? Only the lineart is vector, and then it's compressed into a .png file and ported back to Photoshop. I'm no expert to, lol
    1 point
  18. I'm going to keep her but breed her and sell her cubs
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Glacier climbs on top of the stump and curls up, ready for his first night on the island.
    1 point
  21. After the break, they find a cozy stump deeper inland. Sadly, it is accompanied by a rock, but it seems to be fast asleep.
    1 point
  22. Glacier goes to dig up some roots. He figures that if he can dig up worms in the sand, then he could probably do the same with roots in the dirt. Plus Floo is being lazy and he's bored.
    1 point
  23. Oh wow, a tree to great them. How nice. Floo steps under the tree for a break. After spend a lot of time a the beach eating berries, He is not as fit as he was when he was running through the savannah with a pubescent Glacier.
    1 point
  24. They can't see much, sitting on that small port, but what they can tell is that this island is large. At least larger then the previous island, which isn't saying much because it was very small. I'll just go with good. It's a good sized island.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. The next day, while Floo nums on his berries, he wonders how long it will be till they reach the port. 'There must be a northern port.' He thinks, 'there's always a northern port.' Then he hears Glacier call out. 'This is the one!' Pink man says. Floo agrees. He doesn't quite know where this port will take them. To a peaceful paradise with tons of berries, or a monster crawling island, full of danger and blood. It's PERFECT.
    1 point
  27. The next morning Floo finds Glacier obsessing some clam. He can decide between the clam, or the worm. Floo doesn't care though because they're both gross. He chooses not to express these feeling though because he doesn't want to upset Glacier. He nums on some berries instead. Tasty stuff those berries are.
    1 point
  28. yeah, it seems atm, that the only way to fix the female/male ratio is to close and reopen the app lol it'll switch what gender you get every time lol ^^'
    1 point
  29. So is this how vector art is made? Looks awesome!
    1 point
  30. This is awesome! I really like how you shaded it too 😆
    1 point
  31. sorry ffor not arting for 2+ weeks i havea big art blocK 😢😞
    1 point
  32. here we have two lesbians and their child 💖
    1 point
  33. don't know how, but i ended up getting a black coloured nicheling from an albino one lol and i also got another (in my opinion) gorgeous nicheling
    1 point
  34. the marker brush is pretty rad
    1 point
  35. and also this thing from the art challenge
    1 point
  36. here's some random (bad) sketch of a sorta... alternate design for zukii? i kinda just. made him look more like a cat oh i should totally make him as a nicheling next,,,
    1 point
  37. here's the background too, if anyone's interested: i actually don't know if i spent more time drawing this or Zukii
    1 point
  38. finisheddddddd!!!! this is probably the first time i've used over 100 layers for one drawing (normally i use like 14,,,)
    1 point
  39. 22- Ancraophobia; A fear of strong wind or drafts.
    1 point
  40. We will look if we can get the game to run in the web browser in the next two weeks too It's a shame that we can't all talk about the game together, so let's see what we can do about that. (Though this is totally a mobile game! Let us not forget about that xD)
    1 point
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