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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/2022 in Posts

  1. I did i did the thing IMG_8758.MOV
    3 points
  2. (I will be updating my other playthroughs as soon as I figure out what was going on with them, but for now here's a quick RemnantClan post. Hope you enjoy! (And I won't lie, this is one of my favorite playthroughs...but seeing as it's tied with Prehistoric Salt Black and White (+Ketchup) and the one beating them is one that I literally have no idea what's going on...I figured something was better than nothing) Enjoy!) Moon 20: Poor Lightkit had been pretty traumatized by the birth of his siblings during the fox attack. The birth was fairly rough, and though all the kits made it thanks to Turtlemist’s expert care Shingingsun couldn’t help herself from screaming. The first time he actually saw his siblings, he didn’t seem very interested, calling them “pink blobs”. But now that he saw them growing into kits, he asked to play with them. (ignore Fernstar, this is the best one of all the kits I have) “But why can’t they play?” he nagged, “All they do is sleep all the time!” “When you were this young, you didn’t play much either. Give them time, they’ll grow.” Shingingsun gently scolded, her litter sleeping at her side. “But I’m bored! I’ve only ever had Stonekit to play with,” he said. Stonekit swished his tail, narrowing his eyes. Shingingsun frowned, nearly sighing, it is understandable, he is awful cooped up in this nursery, and since the kits have been born I haven’t had much time to spend with him. “I mean, you’re not that boring,” said Lightkit to Stonekit, “you’re pretty fun actually. It’s just I’m always doing the same things…” “Yeah, you’re right,” said Stonekit, “it would be nice to have new playmates.” “These kits are still too young and too fragile,” said Turtlemist, “they’re only a couple weeks old, and you’re much bigger and older. In fact, maybe you’re even getting too old for the nursery.” Shiningsun took a good look at her kit, Turtlemist was right, he was awful big, and Stonekit wasn’t far behind. “Really?” asked Lightkit, suddenly excited, “Does that mean-” Turtlemist looked at Shiningsun, and she nodded, “Yes,” he said, “I’ll talk to Fernstar.” “Today is an important day in Remnant Clan,” began Fernstar, “Two kits are ready to enter into the next stage of their life. Lightkit, Stonekit, step forward.” Lightkit held his head high, his eyes shining. Stonekit seemed a bit anxious. Shiningsun watched her kit with pride, (Turtlemist watching her new litter for the moment), and Fernstar felt the same pride for her son. She reassured him with a small smile before continuing. “You have both reached the age of at least six moons, and are ready to become an apprentice. From this day on, you will be known as Lightpaw, and Stonepaw,” she nodded at each kit as she said their respective names, “Lightpaw, your mentor will be Rootclaw. I hope he will pass down everything he knows to you. “Rootclaw, come forward. You trained Snowbridge well, and are ready to take on a new apprentice, I hope you will train Lightpaw with the same skill and vigor. May you pass on your loyalty and fighting techniques.” Lightpaw and Rootclaw touched noses, then Fernstar continued, “Stonepaw, your mentor will be Redfish. I hope he will pass down everything he knows to you. Redfish, come forward. You have worked hard and loyally as the clan’s deputy through our challenging formative years, and spent many years as a warrior before that. You have experience and honor, I hope you will pass these things on to your apprentice.” Stonepaw slowly turned to touch noses with his mentor, and Redfish patiently waited before touching noses with his new apprentice. “Lightpaw! Stonepaw!” chanted the clan before cats moved in to congratulate the two new apprentices. Hope flickered in Fernstar as she watched her clanmates. Despite their challenges, the clan was growing. She just hoped she wouldn’t let them down.
    3 points
  3. TWO LITTLE GUYS why didnt i post the second one yesterdayi though ti tid
    3 points
  4. so i made a caution sign man and a stop sign man and they're both mall security guards,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    2 points
    2 points
  6. screw it i bought sr2 while we wait for it to download
    2 points
  7. I know I'm not usually active on weekends anyways, but I'm going on a church retreat over the weekend, so I won't be active here or on the Discord, but on monday I'll hopefully be back on!! See y'all soon :]
    1 point
  8. First of all I would like to say I have loved the game, and hope to see some more content that makes it worth coming back. I think the concept is great, and most of the execution is great, and I probably struggle to articulate which bits are good more than which bits I think need fixing, so a lot of this post may focus on these, but I would recommend this game even in its current state. I also realise that my criticisms and suggestions are easier said than done, and especially game balance is a delicate process, and that I would not be able to create such a marvelous game in the first place. When I say 'finished' I mean I researched everything, built every building including the monument, and was easily sustaining my population without incident even through seemingly the worst hazards. So first off I think the game has some balance issues in terms of research at the beginning compared to the end. Initially you have so many different things you need to research and setup in order to survive. You need a kitchen, you need the horn, you need doctors for both your people and Onbu, and you need to feed Onbu. Quickly after that you will need to setup dung collection, composting and decontaminators. It's a lot right at the beginning. Also many of these things require advanced resources to actually build, which you just don't have good access to right at the start. I think at least several of these buildings should either have a basic version that you start with (e.g. what about a firepit that can at least let you prepare a basic meal with berries). At the same time you start with some stuff I would actually consider more advanced. I didn't need farms at all initially, and hence the setup required for those e.g. airwells. In fact setting up farms left me with too few workers to do the other things I needed quickly enough. The tutorial in fact seems to suggest you should set these up just after setting up berry gatherers, which I think is unnecessary, and detrimental if you are playing either without the tutorial or on a harder difficulty. I setup many of the above things before I even started on my first farm. On the other hand towards the end of the game you have a lot of research that is either useless or super strong. Things like drilling for stone were unnecessary as by the time I got it I had covered a lot of my need for stone already, and even if I hadn't the loss of trust it causes Onbu is too much of a detriment. I felt the same about blood, and while I did collect bile I never really used it. While some of the things that it seemed it might have helped with early on (for instance giving Onbu a boost of energy at a key moment) the requirement for was almost completely gone by the time I got there, as I was now making enough other resources to cover those weaknesses. The food liquidator seemed useless because I was making enough food, and feeding Onbu regularly helped keep trust high. The scout tower on the other hand was a very sudden and massive boost to resources. Based on these I think one of my key suggestion would be research should involve more 'upgrades' and less on basic requirements. For instance perhaps you start with a firepit or 'basic kitchen' and then later on you can research 'kitchen' and then even 'advanced kitchen'. These should allow you to upgrade the building without deconstructing the original if you want to be more resource intense, or could just be automatic upgrades. Existing buildings should also be able to upgrade without hassle. For instance dirt roads should upgrade to stone roads. They shouldn't be deconstructed. I definitely think there should be some upgrades that just take effect though. This could give some more depth at end game, and give you more to do. Some suggestions: Worker carrying capacity upgrade Resilient crops (able to grow or at least not die in more weather conditions) Crop rotation - Switching to a new crop in a farm speeds up growth of the new crop temporarily (with a cooldown) More efficient cooking/processing (this in itself could be several different upgrades, for instance more meals from a crop, more fertiliser from dung) Going back the buildings that make you lose trust with Onbu - they just seem too risky. Nothing caused more deaths and upheaval than Onbu losing trust and no longer responding to commands. It both seemed that I lost too much trust for what I gained. I think the trust loss on these should be reduced, or have further mitigations e.g. using the painkillers stops Onbu losing trust, perhaps as a tool like fertiliser. Also we need more ways to measure trust. I agree this shouldn't just be a meter we can read (or maybe it should but read on). This could have a requirement of advanced buildings (again more options for late game research) that perhaps give more indicators on Onbu's state of mind, like how quickly it is losing or gaining trust, and if not a meter then at least more indicators of how high Onbu's trust is. Right now you don't know if you have lost too much trust until it is too late. Direction decisions often seem pointless. This might be a bit harder to judge sometimes, and maybe just bad luck but I feel more often than not that the choice of direction I have seems to have very little difference. Sometimes the obstacles in one direction might be a bit further away but they are still the same obstacles, in the same order. Again when you implement more biomes this may help. I realise you don't want to allow players to completely avoid obstacles, or even certain types of obstacles completely, but I definitely want a bit more impact from my choice. An advantage of spending a lot of time building trust should be allowing me to choose which obstacles I face most of the time, or say choosing to face two small poision forests vs one large poison forest. A bit more obstacle variety might also help with this. This last one might be a bit of learn to play but I felt buildings required too many people. Especially early on, (again somewhat connected to how many different buildings you need to start), and it is so important to have a good number of people who can move things around, and build things etc. I know the idea is to turn off buildings you aren't using but it still feels like I end up with having too many people having to man buildings that it slows down other progress to a crawl. It may have been my buildings were actually losing too much efficiency from not having enough carriers, but that was hard to judge. I think though this was also reflected in the decision to always pickup more people, which never seemed like too much of a detriment, I always was too short on people to turn them down up until I was basically 'finished'. For those interested I ended up with a population of 150. A few quick notes, some of which I did report in game: The disable and deconstruct button are right next to each other, one could easily be moved to the opposite side, and they are both the same colour, and the flag for them is also the same color. This can lead to an easy missclick without noticing. The report for Onbu ending an action sometimes seem to be the same as starting. Like Onbu sleeps, it says Onbu sleeps again when he is waking up. Sand/Glass is too scarce/you need too much for how much is available. Cottages probably being the biggest sinner in terms of sucking up this resource. Glass was by far the limiting factor for me finishing up the game, every other resource seemed in plentiful supply. This might be fixed with new biomes I know are part of your roadmap. Right now sand only spawns in desert, whereas pretty much every other resource can be found in at least 2 biomes or some other way. A few things could be made more obvious in the tutorial and in game information: Crops start rotting once they have fully grown. If your farmers don't get to them in time they just decay. I have no idea how many crops I actually wasted this way before I realised but I think a lot. On a sidenote you can assign these to be harvested like trees and your general workers will come help to pick them up at this stage. On another sidenote I still have no idea if people assigned 'harvester' will just automatically help if they have nothing better to do. They should if they don't already. Farmers will assist with crops in the plots of other farms if they are both set to the same crop. While the potential space for farms is huge, they can't cover nearly that much space even once fully manned. Here are some ideas I would like to see implemented as new content, many potentially deepening the research trees: A town bell. This would be used to implement preset conditions to your buildings that you can set up e.g. what crops are being planted in different farms, which buildings are active or not, or even how many man them. You could then have it ring in different ways to command all your people to switch. For instance a desert setting to tell everyone to switch from beets to corn or cactus, and your kitchens to the appropriate food, then a mountain setting to switch back to beets. Another bell could be for spores, telling your manufacturing to shut down but your decontaminators to open and your doctor's to be fully manned. A command bridge. This could be a direct upgrade to the horn. This would allow you to potentially give some more advanced commands on the map. Nothing too much I think, but I feel like sometimes I end up watching the map just to wait for the right point to tell Onbu to stop. The bridge could potentially allow you to mark points to automatically give Onbu a call to stop (which may or may not be trusted as usual) once you reach that point and gives the player an alert. Taking this further could be an advanced bridge, or 'the helm', a pun in that it would both go on Onbu's head and it would be used for directing Onbu. Potentially this building could only be built at very high levels of trust, and loss of trust below this level will cause Onbu to shake it off immediately. But it could be used to help automatically navigate some obstacles if you have marked them out on your map e.g. timing for tornadoes and crossing spore clouds. Heaters/coolers. Keeps off the worst effects of a cold snap or heat wave to your crops, stopping some from perishing and allowing others to keep growing during this time in an area around it. Heaters might use biogas or bile. Coolers would use water. Zoologists - based on the above idea of studying Onbu closer, to potentially unlock things like more ways of monitoring trust. Animal farms - A variety of different animals could be kept for different purposes. Food seems an obvious one, but something like horses could decrease the time it takes for your scavenger posts to explore points of interest. Ways to expand your building area. This seems like it will be necessary as you add content, as the current content takes up a lot of the potential space: Scaffolding. Add some buildable areas to the edge of Onbu. May be more vulnerable to storms, as the scaffolding could be damaged and the building lost entirely. Onbu convoys! This might be a dlc or expansion, as I imagine will take a lot of work, but how about the ability to have a second or even multiple Onbu? Getting additional Onbu would be a large investment in resources before it will trust you/is capable. You would also need to build infrastructure to allow travel between the two, bridges? a lot of balloons? Lifts that require both Onbu to be lying down/sleeping to allow people to get off, run along and get on again? There might be several ways of gaining a new Onbu: Sick Onbu - This Onbu is badly poisioned and will die without treatment, an investment of medicine could get it back on its feet. Starving Onbu - This Onbu has been unable to find food and will die without nourishment, an investment of food could get it back on its feet. Neglected Onbu - This Onbu had a previous group of nomads on it, but they mistreated it and has shaken them off. It is weak from the blood, bile and stone harvesting from it and distrustful of nomads now. As a benefit to rescuing this Onbu existing buildings may be found/repaired on its back. Baby Onbu - Turns out your Onbu has been pregnant all this time! On around day 200 your Onbu gives birth! This could be a major event that: leads you stranded wherever you are, lying down, for some time (potential mitigation having above mentioned zoologist allows you to a) find out your Onbu is pregnant and b) induce or delay labour by a small amount to give you some leeway to find a good place to stop for a while. Causes seismic disturbances that can damage buildings. After birthing the baby will require feeding to help it grow stronger and building of trust before it can act as additional land. It is a smaller plot and may have some additional mechanics. For instance it is smaller and therefore always considered at ground level for purposes of toxicity. Again a research option might be to build a large crane that allows you to lift it up at the cost of energy for the mother. Multiplayer - I realise this is probably especially a pipe dream to add in, but I think any game is made better with friends, even sometimes if you don't directly interact. If you can just join up with your friend, walk down the same path with your Onbu side by side that would be nice. Even potentially some asynchronous elements would be nice perhaps? E.g. you find the remains of another player's Onbu who failed at the distance they made it. Sometimes you pass close enough to the Onbu of another player that you can see their Onbu for a little bit, see their buildings and what they have done etc. I realise this has turned into a very long post but I hope you find it helpful, and that you like some of my ideas. Again though loved the game. Kind Regards Eruaph
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. So while I'm waiting for an answer about my Niche not opening problem, I've decided to go ahead and do something I should've done a long time ago... Write down the rules to my Warrior Cats challenge. When I first started the challenge I said it was a mix between my Cat challenge and @Kittylover16063's Ultimate Warrior Cats Challenge. With @Sky's WC generators. I neglected to even post links to these things even though I tried to remind myself with underscores like so ______ . And as I have gone on with it I have ended up more winging it and adding rules that made sense to me. (And I have forgotten and/or disobeyed for plot purposes others). Now that I'm coming back to it (hopefully if I can fix Niche) I wanted to write down the rules for myself, and I figure you guys should have access to them as well to be able to use them in your own Niche Warrior Cats worlds. So, here they are: Setup: Is kinda like the Cat Challenge, link to that here: https://strayfawnstudio.com/community/index.php?/topic/12134-cat-challenge/#comment-273514 Start on any island you feel comfortable with. (Or, like I did in Remnant Clan, randomize your starting island. I was really thrown a curveball by starting on Sleepy Reeds!) Make your creatures: Face genes allowed are purr face, normal snout, spit-snout, and big nose. One of your cats can have saber tooth fangs in one slot if you so wish. Each cat must have one face gene spot occupied by purr snout, and a couple should have both slots occupied. Allowed bodies are medium body, big body, and lean body. Paws must be randomized, but forbidden ones are mammut foot, wings, and bat wings. You must have normal hind legs. You can have medium tail, fisher tail, or stinky tail. No horns are allowed. You can only have normal or bearyena ears. Immunity genes, hemophilia, eye genes (blindness), and fertility must all be randomized. You can do whatever you wish with cosmetic genes. The other setup settings are drawn originally from the Ultimate Warrior Cats Challenge, but I adjusted them some. (check damage multipliers) Pregnancy duration: Set to 1 in order to have litters, but queens will have to wait to have their litter and/or sit on a nest for at least 3 days [more on that under pregnancy and birth below]. Baby: 2 Child: 4 Teen: 12 Adult: was 80 before, now it's 90 (but the extra 10 days are added to elder lifespan [more on that under elder stage below], which I thought was too short in the original challenge) (more here later, but Imma write down the most important and detailed rules first) Other setup/finding a camp: You must try and find a camp with an outer border and dens if possible. Also a stump or rock for leader to call meetings on. Here are the different dens: Nursery (required): Where queens give birth to and raise their kits. It must have an outer border at the least of rocks, berry bushes, (basically things that a creature can't move through or stand atop) and ideally an inner border between it and the rest of camp. A permenant nest would be ideal as well, though you can always make one if neccesary. Medicine Cat Den (required): Where the medicine cat sleeps and nurses the sick and injured back to health. Warrior den (required) Apprentice den Leader den How a day goes: At the start of each new niche day (moon) you use this handy dandy generator made by @Sky: https://perchance.org/wcc3-orig To roll for events, Starclan propecies, and Dark Forest events (select these from the drop-down menu and click let Starclan decide once for each one). You could also make your own based on Ultimate Warrior Cats Challenge rules, but there were so many options and it was so complicated not even I wanted to do that. So thank you Sky for making this! I couldn't do my WC challenge without it. I also know someone else was working on one. Go to the UWCC thread to check it out. Warriors trian apprentices, hunt, and defend the clan if neccesary. Do story-related things too! Hunting and food rules: You are not allowed to eat any plant material, only meat. Meat includes but is not limited to: rabbils, crabbits, stagmoles, leeches, fish (including razarona and clown kois), clams, and dodomingos. You may eat bearyena meat if the bearyena is dead before you found it or killed in defence of the clan (though that is fairly rare since bearyena "retreat" under the rules of the challenge). If you do chase a fleeing bearyena and kill them you cannot eat the meat, but if the bearyena is chasing one of your cats and attacking them, you can (the rules also apply to killer bearyena, apes, and balance bears). You also cannot hunt the walrus deer, but you can scavenge if you find them already dead. You may eat ramfoxes if killed in defence, though hunting them is in most cases not allowed. Since it is hard to get enough food for your tribe under these rules, you can also hunt a different way with your cats. Warriors can go out hunting. This is how it works: To hunt a cat must go to a spot outside of camp. A warrior or apprentice may hunt once per turn unless they spend gems hunting (you must go to the next day with them having gems still remaining, however many they spent on hunting). To hunt you first roll two dice or a random number generator from 1-12 for luck. Then you add up any bonuses the cat gets from experiance, skill, location, and other factors. And finally, you subtract based upon negative factors, weather, season, sickness, pregnancy, lack of experiance, and so on. The cat must get a certian number (specific to that island and your chosen difficulty level) or above to have a successful hunt. On my current playthrough it is an 8 in spring and a 10 in winter (and that's in a mountain island). You may want to start out with 6 or above. You then roll again for how much prey the cat catches. 1-6, being the amount of food added. Again you add any bonuses and subtract any negative factors (though they are different bonuses and negative factors). Location factors are about being on a tile next to an object that prey is more likely to be hiding in, such as a bush, clover patch, or rock. Or a place that prey is likely to be absent in, such as the border of camp. You add up all bonuses of the tiles sorrounding the tile you are on (plus the tile you are standing on for some objects). Here is a list of all location factors. Each one can have a different bonus or debuff for prey success, and prey catch size (number). Sucess has an S and is first, catch size has an N and is listed second. Berry bush +2 S +2 N Clover Patch (standing on) +2 S +0 N Clover Patch (each sorrounding tile) +1 S +1 N Rock +1 S +2 N Grass patch (standing on) +2 S +1 N Rabbil Burrow (standing on) -1 S +4 N Rabbil Burrow (tile next to/sorrounding tile) +0 S +3 N Rabbil Burrow (2 tiles away/a tile between) +1 S +2 N Permenant Nest (outside camp, whether you stand on it or are next to it): +2 S +3 N Shriveled berry bush +1 S +0 N Twig Bush +1 S +0 N Cactus +0 S +1 N Stump (tile next to/surrounding tile) +0 S +3 N Stump (standing on) -2 S +5 N Here is a list of other factors, and how they effect both catch success and number. If it isn't there, then it adds or subtracts nothing. Winter (if you haven't added 2 to the number needed for prey success): -2 S Snowing: -1 S -2 N Snow on the ground (one step above a thin coating): -2 S -2 N Snowdrifts (your nicheling has to clear snow to be able to walk on a tile): -3 S +2 N Strength No strength (stat is at 0): -2 S -1 N Little Strength: (1-2): -1 S +0 N Below Average strength (3): +0 S +0 N Average Strength: (4): +1 S +0 N Above Average strength (5-6): +2 S +1 N Good Amount of Strength (7-8): +3 S +2 N Impressive Strength: (9-10): +2 S +3 N Super Strength (11+): -1 S +2 N Common Cold (depends on the severity rolled by dice) (1) Very Mild: -1 S (2) Mild: -1 S -1 N (3) Moderate: -2 S -1 N (4) Nearly Severe: -3 S -2 N (5) Severe: -4 S -3 N (6) Deathly Ill: Cannot hunt at all Pregnancy First moon (moon of pregnancy): No debuffs or buffs Second Moon: -2 S -1 N Third Moon: -4 S -3 N Fourth Moon (moon of birth): Not allowed to hunt at all. Experience (applies to warriors only, from the time they got their warrior name forward): Less than 5 moons: -2 S -2 N Between 6 and 10 moons: -1 S -1 N 11 moons to 15 moons: No buffs or debuffs 16 moons to 25 moons: +1 S +1 N 26 moons to 30 moons: +2 S +1 N 31 moons to 40 moons: +2 S +2 N 40 moons or more: +3 S +2 N Skill/training: Apprentice specific buffs and debuffs: Pregnancy and birth: When any she-cat becomes pregnant, either by you breeding her with a tom or a rogue male breeding successfully, you roll for the amount of kits she will have. Roll 1-6, with the number rolled being the number of kits. You may roll right away or roll when she is about to give birth. The queen must wait 3 moons to give birth. Mainly have the queen hang out in camp and the nursery during this time.
    1 point
  11. all my art recently has been the night so. yeah also GO READ THE NIGHT!!! i will keep yelling about it you cant stop me https://www.deviantart.com/pollygussie/art/The-Night-Cover-925293941
    1 point
  12. They would sing the education connection song full volume into the mic when alone ngl
    1 point
  13. OH!!!! My (not-so) stepdad has moxie at the hospital he works at now : D
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. i like it when im on a google doc for homework and i can see the other people on there with me like yes me and these 3 other random kids are slaying it rn
    1 point
  16. it’s the lady !!! (her hair is also dyed btw)
    1 point
  17. i love initiate randomized in this game because it gives you things like this
    1 point
  18. i choked on a grape seed twice today
    1 point
  19. Jacob Portman, the boy living too many lives at once
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Start with 5 nichlings, you can customize them however you want Start with 50 food and 20 nesting material You can customize ages however you want, but damage must be proportional All predators on, wanderers and rouges on, otherwise you can turn off whatever you want There is something called the infection in this world, theres multiple ways you're nichlings can get it: • If a female gets impregnated by a rouge male, they are infected, and so is their baby • If a wandering nichlinging stands by one of your nichlings over night they are infected • If one of your nichlings bleeds, they are infected • If one of your nichling starves, they are infected • If one of your nichling stands by one of the infected over night, they are infected • If a nichling has the common cold, they are infected 1. When a nichling is infected they must be banished from the tribe as soon as possible, and cannot be invited back in 2. Wanderers can not be invited 3. You can not breed with infected or wanderers 4. You are allowed to break nichlings out of the ice and they are not infected, they are treated like a normal member of the tribe 5. Otherwise there are no rules, it is basically a more complicated no wanderers challenge If you are a storyteller you can keep the infected in the tribe, and they can attack the tribe and stuff
    1 point
  22. If they bleed than yes, so you have to get it off without passing a night
    1 point
  23. NESTIES IM FINALLY MAKING AN ANIMATION (aside from the 2 frame reeses puffs one)
    1 point
  24. Typed this out so that I could remember it myself. As the title says, this is a play on the the phrase, "The Boys" of which no females will be included in. Start with two or three male nichelings, and set them on an island of your choosing. Preferably big ones. - Age Settings - Baby : 2 Days Child : 5 Days Teen : 15 Days Adult : 50 Days Age settings can and should be altered to fit your own playstyle. As said before, there will be no females in the tribe. Instead, "The Boys" will go around the island and travel like nomads looking for a mate. In order for the future momma to give birth, you can invite her to the tribe and let her give birth on a made nest or natural one. Unless you want to trap her around a natural nest in order to give birth, which may be a little too complicated. IF any female niche are born, she would be kicked out of the tribe since we want only males in the tribe. - (SUGGESTED) Damage/Healing Multipliers - Enemy Damage : 2x Hunger : 1x Environment : 2x Healing : 2x Really just taken off the top of my head, but decided that Hunger should fairly be lower than the other multipliers because food can hard to come by as nomads. Nothing much to say here except things become a little more dangerous because everything's damage is upped. Gameplay is up to you, though I would suggest keeping under 25 niche at all times because more could overwhelm you. Though with more niche, you can create little factions that stick together, but can be very tense. Personally, I only have insect swarms and rogue males turned off for World Settings cause they can become annoying for me. This part if whatever you want it to be, whatever is annoying to you, you can turn it off. I would suggest at the very least Rogue Males because, I don't fully know, they might be able to mate with potential females. Win Conditions are something I don't really care about so you choose what you want too. - EXTRA - In order for a male niche to fully join a tribe, once they're an adult or teen, they should have a certain time limit to perform a task. Could be killing a bunny, fighting a bearyena if it's on the island. Collecting some odd amount of food, ect. Before mating with a wandering female, the males in the tribe should perform some type of act in order to impress her. The more wingmen, the better. It can become more intricate, such as randomly giving females small personalities and deciding what she'd like to see in order to mate, but it may become something a little too difficult if too spread upon. Add together some stats of the females, that go up to 20. Such as eyesight + attack + collecting + speed + ect, and then compare it to the male who is courting her. Does he match her stats or is he below them? Does someone in his party impress the female so much she decides to mate with him instead? Thanks for reading this and if you try it, good luck!!
    1 point
  25. 100 in all damage sliders and 0 in healing. 25 days for adult, 1 day for baby, 2 days for child, and 5 days for child. Start as a 0 day old creature. Only 1 creature, a female. No wanderers, rogue males, or berries. Start with double Hemophilia, Deformed Paw, one J immunity and a random other, a1 fertility/Unfertile, Medium Ears, No Pattern, No Horns, every snout except Derp Snout and Short Snout banished, double Spiky Body, and Albinism. How do you survive this? I won't tell you. You can't.
    1 point
  26. not me having an anxiety attack about getting an A on an assignment and not an A+
    0 points
  27. So yesterday I was playing pony town and for some reason Jesus was there and kissed someone. T'was weird
    0 points
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