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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/01/2023 in Posts

    5 points
  2. Happy new year SFS!
    3 points
  3. It's ashtober! Also i promise this playthrough isn't dead, I've just been very busy at work again! 💀 more will come soon!
    2 points
  4. The hyperfixations will MERGE. I will not specify.
    2 points
  5. hhghbg when the. When the portal hyperfixation hits (character belongs to @Pancake)
    2 points
  6. While desperately trying to avoid anything about New Years I drew my spidersona Petra
    2 points
  7. I’m writing a portal 2 story (w/ my bestie and co-writer Hyperfluff) with them that I might turn into a comic
    2 points
  8. ok now Gold needs to just just f off
    2 points
  9. (sorry for not updating, my motivation left with my inspiration to have a cup of tea, and drinking tea took them three days.) Lilits paw splashed through the water. The fish she had been trying to catch darted away, leaving Lilit frustrated with herself. She had been trying to fish for the tribe all evening, but she just couldn't. She huffed angrily and sat down in the sand. Its not like she could talk to anyone about it either, her mother and father were dead, and Gold had become as bad as Haran. At first Lilit tried to get her sister to be kind again, and Lilit did her best to be kind to Gold, but whatever had broken in her sisters head the day their mother had died couldn't be repaired. Now she mourned over her entire family, because even if her sister was technically alive, it didn't matter because she was as cruel as Haran. Lilit stood up and tried again, trying to grasp at the fish with her claws. It didn't work. Again. She shut her eyes tight, but when she opened them, Haran was standing there. Milo hung a little bit back, trying to fish for worms. 'How's fishing going?' asked Haran. It was an innocent question, but Lilit knew better. 'Fine.' Lilit replied, before realising she had no fish piled around her. Why did she have to be such a terrible liar? 'You know, fish are bigger, and easier to catch in deeper waters. You should go out there, it'll be easier to catch them out there.' Haran said, that awful smile still on her face. Lilit went pale under her fur. 'I-I can't swim. Hardly any of us can. You know that. I'm not going out there.' Lilit tried to keep the trembling from her voice. 'I don't care if you can't swim.' Harans voice dropped dangerously low. 'Your tribe, your leader, is hungry, and I wany you to get me some fish. Now go.' she said that last part primly, and for a moment Lilit wondered if she ran would she still be a part of the tribe, or exiled. She didn't have time to finish wondering, because Haran pushed her into the current, laughing to herself. Lilit gasped and tried to stay above the water, but it was too strong. She battled her way to shore, a long way off from where Haran pushed her in, and lay on the beach, spluttering. She stayed there for a second, her fur wet through, her throat raw from all the saltwater. Lilit gritted her teeth. She was so close to just telling Haran she had to leave, but the tribe wouldn't be with her. Kass had a good heart, but he was afraid. To go back to a life where he had to constantly hide, not knowing what was attacking him, would be too much for the pale white creature. Lilit knew Ilfen hated Haran, but she didn't think he would risk the lives of his mate and son, to try and chase out a leader that might use force to stay. Jefi and Fern also had a daughter, and while Haran was cruel, it was better for them to live in a tribe like this than a smaller tribe with no leader. Gold would do the exact opposite of what Lilit wanted to do, no matter what it was. Lilit couldn't risk telling her plan to her sister. Adder just didn't care. He wanted to live in a tribe, away from bearyena. He didn't care who led it, or how bad they were. And Milo was a lovestruck fool. He thought Haran was this amazing creature, and refused to wake up and see who his mate really was. Lilit sighed and struggled to her paws. She didn't know what to do. ~ (this is the first time I had to put a trigger warning before anything, so please tell me if I'm doing this right. Tw: a kit dies in this post) Gold sat at the edge of the territory. She barely heard the tribe's chattering, but still. It felt too close for comfort. She looked down at the kit between her paws, disgust in her eyes. It had a deformed snout, its paws were crippled, and it was a sickly yellow colour. Disgusting. She looked out at the ocean. The waves were starting to get choppy, and Gold knew a storm was coming. The kit below her was perfectly healthy. But it was weak. Useless. She doubted even Ilfen and Kass would take care of, and raise, such a worthless creature. Without a second thought, she tipped the kit into the ocean. It gave a short cry just before it hit the water, then it was silent. Gold scowled down at it. Then she picked up the leaves of her makeshift nest, and left. Best not to leave anything that could be traced back to her. She left the beach, without even looking back. (tw warning over) ~ Lilit had found something as she was wandering the shores. It broke her heart, really, and she had to go tell someone. Even if that someone was Gold. She walked up to her, the thing she found carried gently on her back, before she slid it down onto the sand. 'Gold..' she started. 'I found...A dead kit. Will you help me Bury the poor child? I didn't know who else to ask.' Lilit said quietly, looking down with sadness onto the poor kit. It was crippled, and Lilit didn't know if that was why it was abandoned, but she didn't care. No kit should have to drown like that. But this island was cruel in unexpected ways. Gold stared down at it before she replied sharply. 'You do it. You found the dead thing, so you bury it.' Gold snapped, but she looked away quickly, not letting her eyes look at the kit. 'Gold! Dont be so heartless!' hissed Lilit. Gold had called it a thing. That wasn't right. Gold only shrugged and walked off, but quicker than usual. Lilit looked down sadly, and then she buried the poor thing. She didn't know where it came from, but she hoped it would have a happy life wherever it was now. ~ Fenris had been growing, and an adventurous personality emerged. He loved to explore and play, but he was also quick and clever, and knew when to hold his tongue. He was his parents pride and joy. He spent a lot of time with Cheri, as she was the only one his age, and the two become fast friends. Cheri was bold, and ready to fight, but also a lot more headstrong than Fenris. She was loud, and always enjoyed a good laugh. Adder was also a friend of theirs, but he was much more quiet and reserved. Adder and Fenris were both resting from a long day, and Fenris was waiting for Cheri. She said she'd come in the evening, so he waited until evening. Kass and Ilfen were quietly talking nearby, until Gold stalked up to them. As she walked past Fenris she gave him a shove and scowled at him. Fenris winced slightly, and Adder growled at her. Fenris knew Gold had never liked him, but he couldn't really understand why. Kass always just said that Gold didn't like anyone, but it was almost like she hated Fenris the most. Gold ignored both of them, and walked over to Ilfen and Kass. She said something loudly, and Ilfen replied quietly, but there was anger in his voice. Ilfen was looking at his paws, but Fenris knew that didn't mean his dad was weak. The three started arguing loudly, but a rustle in the bushes interrupted them. A bearyena rushed out, heading straight for Kass. Ilfen leaped at it, fighting back, and Gold reluctantly joined in. The three of them couldn't go against a bearyena! Fenris was going to run for help, but suddenly the bearyena locked its eyes on Adder. Fenris stood his ground. If Adder needed him, he had to help. It took him a moment to realise it wasn't looking at Adder. It was looking at him. The bearyena ran forward, snarling loudly. Adder yelped and hit it across the muzzle, and Fenris attacked one of its big clawed paws. 'Both of you, get away!' yelled Ilfen, already running after the bearyena. Fenris looked back at the bearyena, and it was poised to kill. He closed his eyes and hoped it would end quickly. Suddenly, a flash of yellow and brown leaped in front of him, growling loudly. The bearyena jumped at Ilfen, but Ilfen was ready. Fenris ran out of the way, while Ilfen leaped up onto the bearyena and slashed its neck. Blood started leaking out, and Ilfen bit it in the back of its neck, causing it to keel over and die. Kass had run over, it took him a bit longer because he was blind, and Fenris darted over to his dad, sinking into his warm fur. 'Hey, it's alright now. You're alright.' Kass said gently, hugging Fenris. Ilfen walked over, still bloody from the fight. 'You alright?' he asked, looking his son over. 'Yup!' Fenris smiled, glad his family was all unhurt. Adder hung back, looking at the dead bearyena. Fenris bounded up and gave him a hug too. Gold sat at the edges of the small crowd that had started to gather. She snarled at Fenris and his family once, before turning tail and leaving. Fenris ignored her. It was the first time he had seen a bearyena. He never wanted to see one again.
    2 points
  10. Rain world, RAIN WORLD!! It is 4:30 am I need to sleep
    2 points
  11. Combining paint and gimp again
    1 point
  12. "Not saw, felt. I was dead...no...I was death."
    1 point
  13. Burning got up shaking herself off before going to look for the others
    1 point
  14. The silly!! The skrunkly!! One might even say, the oingo boingo.
    1 point
  15. Truer words have never been spoken
    1 point
  16. Didn't mean to just disapper like that whoops- But i got that gaming laptop and was super excited to play games this laptop can't run, like wolfquest anniversary edition. On that note though I love wolfquest anniversary edition a lot more now that it runs decent. AND NOW I'VE GOT SLIME RANCHER 2 WHOOP! I'm not that far yet but it's really fun and the cotton slimes are really adorable :3
    1 point
  17. that is up to you my friend. different foods give different gut floras that give dogs different mutations you should try giving them different foods. after a dog mutates and a flora played a role you should see what the flora does in the gut flora field guide if you want to have weird wobbledogs click crossbreed as much as you can and try to get to the lowest stability possible (the lower the stability the higher the chance of mutations (different colors, patterns, tails, wings etc)) you can have it turned off, but it will remove some parts of the game (ghosts and such)
    1 point
  18. Redrew because I wanted to try out thinner lineart oh and btw her name is Prima and she is a caribou girl and she is precious bean
    1 point
  19. You could breed them and then use addstatuseffect pregnant on the mom without moving her so that the pups won't age up in the meantime since there's a nicheling on them. Don't use the pregnancy cheat on unbred females it WILL break the save
    1 point
  20. you could make them have multiple kids then reset everyone's age using the "increaseage (negative number)" cheat (this is the only way i can think of sorry)
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 😔 it’s ok i did call them emo
    0 points
  23. Serene and Popcorn had their second child, a Pretty girl who was a near copy of her mother. Unfortunately while I was moving parents around a Bluebird got her. I named her Salome. 😢 Fizz has had a daughter with each of his mates. Brownie's daughter is a Basic child with a few nice recessive genes. She is named Mystery. Bumblebee's daughter doesnt have any special genes, but im in love with her coloring! She is named Lulu. The two female wanderers have disappeared somewhere. I hope the pink one returns, she was pretty. Selene has died of her illness. Ebenezer has died of old age. The pink wanderer returns. but she has f immunity and so do all of our males. very sad... Creamy and Popcorn have been killed in a Bearyena attack. Peanutbutter has died of starvation damage. Fizz has died of old age. Emporer gains a Red gem for killing the Beareyna. Our next wanderer needs to be given something strong as their mutation. we need horns or claws or something so we stop being destroyed by them. Brownie has had a daught who is a perfect copy of herself named Bloom. Bumblebee has had a Son who look like his sister with slightly darker coloring. He is named Serge. Armbrust and Sharon have had this gorgeous boy. He is named Hargon and will be Lulu's mate. Serene has died of Beareyna damage. Another Beareyna has appeared right on top of one of our nests and killed baby Bloom. Brownie has gained a red Gem for killing the Beareyna. This little fellow is Millie and Emporer's son. He is named Cedric. Bumblebee is killed by yet another Beareyna. We are being attacked on everyside. We may need to leave via a side port instead of the northern one. Brownie is killed by the Beareyna. Lulu gains a Pink Gem. Lulu got Rouged... And so did Millie. By different rouges. Time to Leave this Island. We are going east. Lulu Gains a Red Gem for Killing the Beareyna. We give the Beareyna Cub food to keep it friendly. Sharon has gained a Blue Gem for inviting in this Wanderer. She is a bit older, but matches perfectly with Serge, has an immunity we no longer have and has attacking genes! Yay. She spawned with the name Lemon and is given Claw and Ram horns in her mutations menu. Millie has had her Rouge baby. Sickly, No Paw and wing with a derp Snout. We are leaving him for the bluebird. Lulu had her rouge baby as well. Unfortunately another Beareyna attacked and he was killed in the fight. Armbrust and Sharon had this gorgeous girl. She is named Builder and will be Cedric's mate.
    0 points
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