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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/2021 in all areas

  1. 5 points
  2. 4 points
  3. Haha I saved a bunch of old and bad art so I could re-make it I am ready to feel so much better re-making old cringey art
    2 points
  4. πŸ‘€ (note, the thing by her horn is a wither flower)
    2 points
  5. this is just wayy to many nichelings for me right now my max is usually around 10
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. (that's alright! They're pretty decorations. It's a WIP for a reason
    2 points
  9. Canada. When I grow up, I won't...
    2 points
  10. So uh there is no real story besides the fact that the modern world has kind of fallen and now machines and humans are living side by side(kind of) There's machines that are friendly(either humanoid or feral-like) but then there are machines who kind of kill on sight So you can be a human or machine(specify if humanoid or feral-like) Name: Gender/Pronouns: Appearance: Species(human or machine): Extra info:
    1 point
  11. At first he kept running away from me because the other dispersals chased him but at the end he was the one who growled at them
    1 point
  12. "Now. Who are the kits?" The new cat asked "Smoky and Rusty," Hazelfern replied. "Well then, Smoky and Rusty. I'm sorry, but we already have enough mouths to feed." The cat mewed. "Hollowear!" The cat called. A ginger tom with a very torn ear approached. "Take these kits to the Oak Tree." The cat mewed The ginger tom nudged the two of you towards the entrance.
    1 point
    1 point
  14. (they dont have a gun or any weapon whhy. I asume they have a cutting knife but forgot to pack it) Naomi decided to get out of the car just in case.
    1 point
  15. Didn’t seem like it.. He sat up and then let you go.
    1 point
  16. C O N S U M E S N O W M A N
    1 point
  17. ohmygosh. wow. This is so sad Floo no... Nunu going off on his own *cries* It's a great end to a very captivating story, but I agree with whoever said this (apparently I cannot remember a name for 5 minutes) *KEYBOARD SMASH*
    1 point
  18. Night comes and goes, and with morning comes a somber, steady drizzle. After leaving their friend with all the flowers and berries they could find, Nunu takes Akari to the port. When they get there, Akari looks at him and places her paw upon his shoulder. This is something he must do alone. Nunu steps onto the port, the jungle brush soft against his paws and the wind cold in his mane. He looks back at Akari and the island one last time. She gives him a warm, assuring smile as they wave their goodbyes. Nunu looks across the ocean. He is scared. Espcially without his uncle to guide him, but he knows in his heart he is ready. And slowing but surely he starts on his journey, taking the first steps across the ocean and into the rest of his life. The End.
    1 point
  19. They find a nice spot to discuss a little closer towards the shore. 'So you know I'm getting older...' 'Me and you both, green bean.' 'And I'm just a little concerned for Nunu. I had an older friend back in my day and when she passed I found myself having to grow up and take care of Glacier.' Akari thinks for a moment. 'You and I both know that Nunu will be fine. He's a stag mole killing machine. I'm sure he could take down a bearyena if he had to. As for his emotional well-being, I can't help much. I just think you should tell him what your friend told you. It seems you really grew from that experience.' Floo, once again enlighten by Akari, knows what to do.
    1 point
  20. I’m not ready for this last journey ;( ;( Floo is the sweetest he deserves a little peace tho
    1 point
  21. Floo joins them to see what it is that they're doing. 'Hey Floo. You know your nephew's quite the hunter. This ones his second!'
    1 point
  22. But soon his troubling thoughts are inturrupted. 'Look!' Shouts Nunu. He points over at a cove right in front of them. It looks like the perfect place to rest and gather food for a few days. It even has a coconut tree! AND A BERRY BUSH FLOO WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR EYE. Maybe this place will offer a nice break from all those thoughts he's been having. And of course the snails. Always watching.
    1 point
  23. The snails seem to take interest in are two nichelings. Very mystical. Very mysterious..........
    1 point
  24. But a good snooze must come to an end, and in the morning Floo finds himself feeling better than he has in days. He streches and poofs out his fur, trying to catch the warm sun rays like a teeny plant. *gasp* But what's that? A calling through the weeds? What could it be?
    1 point
  25. While Nunu exits over his plans to find Floo himslef, the green nicheling wakes up in the mud puddle he desided to sleep in. So strange. Anyway, soon he finds these tiny bugs swarming all around him. He also feels droozy and ill despite getting a full nights rest. 'This is horrible!' He says to himself as he tries to dodge as many bugs as he can. He stumbles out of the mud but is only able to get a few steps without being overtaken by sleepiness. 'Oh no.' He thinks 'This is the end! And I never got the change to say goodbye to Nunu! I told him I'd be fine. I have to be fine!' He curls up at the side of the mud pool and closes his eyes. 'Ahhh, that's it. Probably just a cold. I'll have to lay off the journeying for a day or two.' He thinks feeling immedetly better.
    1 point
  26. Soon, Nunu awakes to the warm sun on his face, a nice change from yesterdays drizzly weather. He stays where he is and looks around. This place is scary without Floo. Even if he's too squishy to fight off a real threat, he was good for emotion and social support.
    1 point
  27. He manages to find a detour. oooo a cozy little nest. Next to cozy little tree. What a cozy place to spend the night.
    1 point
  28. Floo ventures further into the swamp. But he's not firmiliar with that term. To him it's just a bluer, cooler jungle. A yes, that's what he'll call this place. The Blue Jungle. After a while of traveling, he runs into a road block. So many berry bushes! It really like this island was build for him.
    1 point
  29. The next day back at the tree, Nunu and his mother encourage Hermit to walk some more, but he looks like he has better things to do.
    1 point
  30. However they cannot mourn for long because there are things to do and babies to be made! Glacier prepares the nest for Rosie. Both are ready for another baby.
    1 point
  31. In the morning, little Nunu is awake! Floo waits patiently by the nest ready for the little one to take his first steps. Thankfully the sky is clear of birds. Rosie comes over to encourage him while Glacier guards him in the back.
    1 point
  32. Floo stays near his berry bush. Although he has some doctoring experience, he's doesn't think anything can prepare him give for delivering a child. He clears out some grass, wanting to create a nice open play area for the baby.
    1 point
  33. Glacier goes to get more coconuts. He's really relying on his child to like coconuts. Floo, still wet from getting the seaweed, hands over the materials to Rosie who's gives him a loving lick. Very happy all of them seem to be.
    1 point
  34. After seeing the blood sucker, Floo gets a little squeamish. 'Lets start this thing, shall we?'
    1 point
  35. After his thinking he says, 'No! you can not be mates!' Glacier and Rosie are sad. 'Not without a ceremony!' Floo continues. Glacier and Rosie are happy. (FLOO, WHY DO YOU BLINK AT THIS MOMENT???)
    1 point
  36. Carmen or Carmine bcs its red and she’s red... yeah
    1 point
  37. (I was watching movie before and it was distracting so I stop. Here's the rest) The two bachelors awake in the morning for another day of searching. They travel a little further. Oooooh, a rabbil hole. Floo sits down with a stag mole and some berries. They've been around the whole tree now, and no luck. BUT, they can't lose hope. It's just that finding a mate isn't as easy as it seems. Just hope Glacier can find a mate soon. And of course, he speaks his mind to the stag mole, whose presence is very therapeutic.
    1 point
  38. Glacier is very happy. He comes to sit on the beach. 'This place is perfect!' He thinks. A evil blood sucker lurkers in the water. He doesn't care though. He's too happy and it will make a tasty snack. Floo eats the berries. Never gets sick of them.
    1 point
  39. When he wakes, Floo pick up an interesting smell. It smells like the sea, but not. He'd ask his buddy to help identify the strange scent but Glacier can't really smell. It's ok though, it's not his fault, we don't judge. What he doesn't know is the the smell is coming from a cove further up the coast. A large estuary housing many little water creatures. (look at it, it's so cozy)
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. Whole wheat waffles when I grow up I will have a pet...
    1 point
  42. a lonely emo gerbil. When I grow up, I'll become...
    1 point
  43. me. When I grow up, I will get a pet...
    1 point
  44. peanut butter and jelly sandwich. When I grow up, I'm going to be...
    1 point
    1 point
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