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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/2021 in Posts

  1. Hi folks! I just set live our coming soon page on Kickstarter If you are planning to get an Adam plushie (it will cost between $35 - $45), please click the "Notify me on launch" button here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/strayfawnstudio/adam-plushies Also, 3 more sticker sheets are in the works ❤️ Very excited for the campaign to start soon!
    10 points
  2. Wow, um, you guys made me win the day because of most liked content. That... was not expected.
    5 points
  3. firealpaca test wip : D
    4 points
  4. 3 points
  5. Around the first time I played, this happened:
    3 points
  6. (Good luck getting through story mode! I found that settling on and taking a really long time on the archipelago and moving to new islands through generations helps keep water damage down and food up. Of course, I'm the person that has 25 episodes worth of archipelago and will probably die when I get to the harder islands, but I've seen some playthroughs of speed-running it and that doesn't work too well. Also, I breed creatures like crazy, especially at first. Food isn't usually an issue on the easier islands, and to get genes embedded in and enough creatures to gather food it helps to have lots of tries. Perfecting your genes before you get to the harder islands is definitely smart. And there's alot of good tips others have said here. Especially digging paw. I remember that keeping me alive on the mountain islands a while back. Food is scarce, but roots are usually around even so. And if you can get two or more food instead of just one it's even better. Also, purr snout is a must-have in the archipelago and elsewhere, especially if you're a bird-brain like me and accidentally drown nichelings fairly often.)
    3 points
  7. "Hey, hey, you okay?" Doxx tilted his head downwards and blinked at Southend from the hot spring, repeatedly jabbing him with a paw. "Why are you shaking?" "Because-" He stopped to shiver. "You keep taking the damn hot springs!" "Yeah, because I'm cold! Have you seen me? I'll freeze!" "Well I'll freeze too if you don't get out of the hot spring!" "Stop being so dramatic~" He teased, closing his eyes and relaxing into the water. "You're telling me to stop being dramatic?! You're one of the most dramatic people I've ever met!" In response, Doxx just peeked an eye open and stuck his tongue out at him. Before Southend could snap back at him, some kind of snapping noise came from the top of the slope, and the two males turned to look. Seconds later, a beige nicheling came barreling down the hill, losng his footing halfway down and crashing right into the hot spring. The spring shook from the impact, and Doxx let out a little surprised noise as he almost fell out. A few seconds passed by with Doxx and Southend staring down at the dazed nicheling, Southend looking confused and Doxx looking unreadable. "Ow..." The nicheling groaned, opening his eyes and blinking up at the two with a pained expression. He suddenly turned shocked, scrambling up to his paws and shaking his head. "Uh, sorry, I didn't mean-" "What the hell is your problem?" Southend cut him off, growling in annoyance. Doxx still just watched blankly, claws scraping against the side of the hot spring as if he was lost in thought. "Oh, um-" The male coughed, whipping his head around to look at the top of the slope. "There was creepy dude covered in blood and wearing a skull on his head, he jumped at me so I started running-" "Hey, you're Buttermilk, right?" The two turned to look at Doxx, who seemed to have broken out of thought and was now wearing his signature smile. Southend could feel a chill creep down his spine, though he wasn't sure why. That smile never sat right with me. "Um, yeah?" The male-Buttermilk-responded, looking confused. "How did you know? Have we met before?" Doxx grinned wider, and Southend could see his claws scrape harder in the side of the spring. "Mmm, no, lucky guess." "Okayyy?" Buttermilk responded, looking unnerved. "Um, I'm sorry for bothering you, I'm gonna go now-" He got up and started walking away, but Doxx suddenly jumped out of the hot spring and landed right in front of him. "What'cha doin'? Lookin' for a port?" Buttermilk blinked. "What?-" "I'm sure your daughter would love to have you back." As soon as he said that, Buttermilk froze, stiffly backing away from Doxx. "How...do you know I have a daughter?" "I just do!" Doxx chirped, taking a step forward for every step Buttermilk took backwards. He leaned forward, until his face was just inches away from other male's. "I also know that you c-" Before Doxx could finish his sentence, Buttermilk bolted, running into the grass. Doxx leapt forward and chased after him with speed Southend didn't even know he had, shouting out words he couldn't make out and laughing like some maniacal child. "Dammit!" Left with no other choice, he followed them, cursing their speed and his stupid frog legs. ---------------------- After what felt like hours of running, he found them by the shore. Doxx had Buttermilk pinned on his stomach, claws digging into his head as the other nicheling tried to struggle free. "Aww, what's wrong? You don't wanna face your sins, huh?" A sickening noise made Southend cringe, and he realized with disgust that it was sound of Doxx's claws scraping against skull. Apparently his claws had dug in enough to break through the flesh. "Let me go, you psycho!" Buttermilk's cry snapped Southend back to the moment, and he ran over, stopping next to the two. "Doxx, what the hell are you doing?!" "I'm torturing him, duh!" The way he said it so casually with a smile on his face both scared Southend and infuriated him. "Why?!" "Because of his horrible misdeeds! He deserves it-" While Doxx was distracted, Buttermilk slipped out of his grip, stumbling for a moment before getting up to run again. Before he got very far, Doxx jumped forward and snapped his jaws around his tail, harshly tugging him back and pinning him by the shoulders. "Nice try!" How is he even doing that? How does someone so small and frail have that much strength? "I didn't do anything wrong!" Doxx leaned his head down with a smile, but Southend could see a flicker of anger and sick amusement behind his eyes. "That's funny, 'cause I'm pretty sure you did!" Doxx shoved his head further into the ground. "I'm sure your mate would disagree! Oh, I bet she would love to watch this, after all the things you did to her!" Buttermilk tried to kick him off, but he continued. "Hey, how many times did you threaten her? Was it the same amount or more than the times you almost killed her?" Southend could only watch in shock as he processed both the scene unfolding before him and the words that Doxx spat at Buttermilk. What the hell?... "Let's not even mention your daughter! The poor girl can't even see anymore, thanks to you clawing her eyes out!" To emphasize the point, Doxx dragged his claws over Buttermilk's right eye, delighting in the blood and his scream of pain. "Saying you did nothing wrong is like saying that a bearyena is a dodmingo-it's just not true!" It was silent for a few moments as Buttermilk wheezed and sobbed in fear and pain under Doxx, who just stared at him with the most insane grin Southend had ever seen him wear.' Then-out of nowhere-Doxx dragged him to his paws, ignoring the resistance as he stood the male upright. But just as Buttermilk came to his senses, Doxx hit him hard on the side of the head, with enough force to send him stumbling, but not enough to knock him over. And before Southend even realized what was happening, a horrifying crack split the air, and a limp body went flying into the sea. Southend came to his senses long enough to run to the shore, ignoring the biting cold water as he peered into the depths. Blood rose to rest on the water's surface, and Southend had to choke back the urge to throw up at the sight. Buttermilk lay under the water, lifeless as a massive, nauseating crack in his head spilled blood. His right eye was still closed and bloody, but his left eye was wide open, like he had died in pure and undiluted fear. Southend slowly turned to look at Doxx, who had walked up to sit beside him. The male also stared at the body, washing the blood from his paws and adding to the already stained water. It took a few moments for Doxx to look him in the eye, but when he did- He smiled. As if nothing was wrong, he smiled. Southend could only blink back at him, before slowly returning his attention to the clouded water. Doxx chuckled next to him. gagahaabggaa ow my hands since its been a while i tried to write an extra long chapter, though i cant actually tell if its much longer and sorry if Doxx's text color looks weird, i couldnt find the original for some reason
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. You get it when more people react to your posts than anyone else's
    2 points
  10. Oh boy, time to dump some tips here: When you unlock purr snout using the stinky fruit trees, make sure to only lick your nichelings after they've used up their last turn collecting the fruits. It still gets rid of the smell, but it also wastes less turns on the nicheling that is licking the other. Speaking of licking, don't lick spiky bodied creatures unless you're also using a creature with 1 defense or higher. If a nicheling is drowning, DON'T move them to a tile that has water, regardless of whether or not they can breath in it. The game doesn't care about that, only if the creature is in water or not, and your creature will take more drowning damage. You're safe afterwards, though. On the archipelago, always look for the shortest gaps between islands, hopefully with only one deep water tile. And remember: platypus beak and digging claw are your best friends. They're a bit hard to find and detect, but once you find a root or water worms, they give you plenty of food, especially if you have double digging claws and bird beak as well. (they also work really well on the mountain islands) Also, when your nicheling collects from cacti or destroys thorns, from what I remember, the game doesn't take into account your nicheling's defense stat, so they'll always give you a bit of damage, even if your creature is a god of defense. Hot(and sometimes cold) islands are food drains, so only travel to them when you're sure you're prepared. If you're having food problems, remember: leeches count as food. Speaking of leeches, they die when trying to attach to toxic bodied nichelings. Also also, if you're having trouble pushing out a recessive gene into becoming active from a nicheling, putting an even more recessive gene in their partner's mutation menu might help to push it out. Hope this helps!
    2 points
  11. I don't think this dragon is very rare, but it's pretty And her code is MArml so that's great
    2 points
  12. Oh and keep the star gene, very important, always check.
    2 points
  13. For the first time in my life I actually found a practical use for something I learned in physics class. Me and my sister were trying to open a glass jar with a metal cap but neither of us succeeded. I had just boiled some water so I put some of that on a plate and put the jar on it upside down. Then I tried to open it again and it actually worked! I shouldn't be nearly this proud of this
    2 points
  14. Finally a babu with purr snout! It's recessive, but good enough!
    2 points
  15. Most of the tribe escaped. Gonna head down to those trees by the beach so I can send everyone into the water and/or along the beach as needed.
    2 points
  16. Not much is happening, so a babu for your viewing pleasure.
    2 points
  17. Killed the normal bear and ran
    2 points
  18. Good news: I retook the screenshots i needed for the last few chapters and I can finally finish this damn playthrough Doxx causes plenty of chaos
    2 points
  19. (This is FawnCat's idea, if I knew how, I would put a link to the topic in challenges) Let's do it! I kinda made sandbox settings for it already but you guys can decide if something should change
    1 point
  20. This is Dondon the psychopath (brown) who I totally didn't bring back using a niche savefile backup after I killed him. The female next to him (yellow) is Iskomi whom he raped forced to become his mate. Dondon's backstory is thus: He was born to the main pink line, participated in the competition for leader, which his elder brother Duktata won. After that he was relatively obscure for a while, once being noted as loyal to his brother. Then, I made a few mistakes. I brought him over to purr for his brother, but mixed him and his brother up. This led to Dondon not purring to give his brother an extra day of life, and Dondon mating with his brother's mate. This was a major betrayal. Though he wasn't successful in his breeding, they didn't know that. Duktata had another child with his mate, but they thought it might be Dondon's, which made them ineligible to be the next leader. This didn't concern Dondon, but he was subsequently banished. And then he stayed on the outskirts of the island, which made his sister Kola angry, she ran at him and he fell into the ocean. He ended up on Long Island, and decided to carry out his evil plan there. His evil plan was to mate a female to create a new line that would take his revenge on the tribe. He carried out the plan with Iskomi, and when she was knocked out dragged her to the ports and left with her to a new island. Once there, Iskomi decided she would stick with him out of necessity and not knowing what was on the new island. They now have two children on the island. I thought it would be interesting to make this into a roleplay or challenge. A tribe ruled by psychopaths is an interesting idea. Also, I rolled for how the family members feel towards eachother. Dondon: He thinks Iskomi is inferior to him. He doesn't think Mitami will be a good heir, but he still wants to train them and still wants them to be strong and try their best. He wants to kill or banish Siel, haven't rolled for why or what. Iskomi: She loves both Mitami and Siel. She doesn't care about Dondon. Mitami: She doesn't love her mother, but views her as necessary for survival. She wants to kill her father. Siel: She doesn't like her mother. She likes her father cause he's like her. A born psychopath, though still a baby. Let me know what you want to happen with this! I could make a roleplay, a challenge, or just do this as a playthrough on my own. Or an interactive roleplay/playthrough or a mix of these things. Also IDK how the polls work on this forums, I may add one later if I figure it out. Here's a screenshot of Dondon and family currently: Also here's the youtube video of me setting this up:
    1 point
  21. Name: Frostfire (Frosty) Gender/Pronouns: He/Him Tribe: Ice/Sky (Hybrid) Looks: Other: Nervous boi. Short head spikes. Ts: Brave as a noun (Swear warning!). Frostbreath. Can still be damaged by frost breath. Head spikes collide when he shakes/shivers.
    1 point
  22. You feel tired (Also, when you respond, could you do something like say -other or -move so I know which one you are doing? Thanks!) You notice rocks in the water, but nothing much else. The waves crash along the shore, and the sound makes your ears ring. -Keep going -Stay put -Move -Other -Sleep
    1 point
  23. This is not what I meant. This is not what I meant. This is not what I meant.
    1 point
  24. Yes out with the old in with the new but the old will still be there right?
    1 point
  25. (Yeah, maybe more, but I changed the actions a bit, so you still have some time ) You are drowsy You yawned a little, and looked around. There was a patch of beautiful flowers near you, the nest you started at, and the ocean. However, you could smell a strange scent coming from the center of the island. -Move -Look around -Sleep -Call out -Other (sorry for the late response!)
    1 point
  26. (Probably enough to last you 2-3 days. Food can go bad, but is less likely to go bad if you store it. however, if you store it, you leave it unprotected)
    1 point
  27. forgot to mention it, but I found a male a while ago on his last day and decided to breed him with Ramira. Pretty good results
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Keep her! webbed hindlegs are good for the archipelago and her bad genes can easily be removed
    1 point
  31. A rogue male showed up while I was distracted fighting a bearyena and bred with one of my females, but i did get a friendly bearyena out of it.
    1 point
  32. *looks at own save files* Nah
    1 point
  33. Will you guys murder me if inbreeding happens?
    1 point
  34. Oh, and that's a new baby.
    1 point
  35. Oh look, my art style changed immediately
    1 point
  36. My birthday is national spoil your dog day 😗
    1 point
  37. A lot of things happened. Miel and Mako aged up and found a couple of bushes, two bearyenas showed up in two days (I killed both), Mako got mauled, I tamed a baby bearyena, Miel is now pregnant, there are four bluebirbs, and I see a wanderer.
    1 point
  38. Wowowow I got really good luck with Miel
    1 point
  39. The daughter of the fish and the ram Said "I am who I am" And what I am is a freak of nature The daughter of the ram and the fish always had one secret wish that someone would love her someday but who could love someone with scales and horns? a girl who was cursed since the day she was born? she cried and she whined and she hated herself she thought "maybe if I tried I could be someone else" I've just been feeling pretty bad lately so here's some vent art using one of my danganronpa kins- not much to say, gfhgjfgkxgdt
    1 point
  40. help im a grandma who gives her grandchildren "unicorn candy" and has already received two restraining orders from her child because of this
    1 point
  41. Hello! I'm... back? But only half left? Basically I lost all my account info after not being on this site for a few months. My username was Aquatic- just in case you knew me. Anyway, I am back, and I''ll be starting a playthrough of a challenge I created today. I'm Aquatic#7896 on discord, please spam my dms if I abandon the playthrough. :'D
    1 point
  42. So, I got to the frost island. The enter biome icon was that of a party of identical nichelings. I couldn't screenshot it
    1 point
  43. It gives me a notification even if I'm in the game
    1 point
  44. Luido jolted awake when she heard a yelp, then she sat up and turned to see Mesiana biting her cub’s ear. Luido quickly separated the two, bringing the cub closer to herself and beginning to growl at Mesiana. “You don’t bite cubs! What kind of mother are you?!” Mesiana growled back, jumping forward to bite at the cubs again. Luido kicked her away, hovering protectively over the cubs.
    1 point
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