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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/16/2022 in Posts

  1. Aight.. im joining. Here's Dead Fawn
    6 points
  2. Him<3 (I only had time for a partial- also in my head gloves look nice with a suit <33)
    4 points
  3. Help I'm generic but it also looks kind of nice maybe???
    3 points
  4. That's actually very accurate- other than the burn scar covering all of the half of his face, it's on the correct side and everything is good. Lol.. I have one that my friend traced of him for comparison.
    3 points
  5. Some more time had passed and Magma was starting to be genuinely relaxed around Porcupine. “Do we really need to patrol again? I mean if nothing has happened yet I don’t think it will” Stinger grumbled as him and Porcupine followed Magma around to patrol their territory again. Instead of answering Magma simply stood straight up before walking in a certain direction. When Stinger sniffed the air he noticed why as the scent of a strange nicheling reached his nose and made him follow after Magma. Porcupine followed nervously, knowing the nicheling that scent belonged to and knowing that them and Magma might not mix well. “Who are you and what are you doing on our territory” Magma growled at the nicheling making them blink in slight shock before regaining their composure. “Wow, calm down. I’m Pebble and there’s no need to be so prickly” The nicheling said as they observed the three nichelings before their eyes landed on Porcupine. “Oh hey Porcupine, why are you hanging out with someone so hostile?” Pebble said making Magma flick an ear toward Porcupine while Porcupine shrunk a little bit at the question. “Magma’s not that hostile unless she doesn’t know you” Porcupine quietly spoke as she refused to look at Stinger and Magma. “You know Porcupine?!” Stinger asked as he looked between the two. “Yeah, we used to travel together before splitting because we wanted to explore different places. It was a lot of fun, didn’t expect her to settle somewhere though” Pebble replied with a casual shrug. “I haven’t settled down” Porcupine responded defensively, not really believing that herself as she didn’t exactly feel like leaving. “Oh ok, well I wanna take a break anyways so would y’all mind if I stayed here for a bit?” Pebble asked. “Why would we let a random nicheling, that we don’t even know anything about, stay in our territory?” Magma asked coldly as she scanned the nicheling. “Oh! Well my favorite food is rabills and I love sleeping in the sun, now you know some stuff about me” Pebble said with an easygoing smile which just served to irritate Magma further. “How could we trust you to not kill us in our sleep?” Magma asked making Pebble give out an exasperated sigh. “You are quite a paranoid nicheling aren’t you? Why would I do that if I have a place to sleep and some food?” Pebble replied as they looked at Magma, wondering why she was so suspicious. “To take our territory” Magma simply responded as she tried to stare down this new nicheling. “If I did that would also mean less protection from bearyena, that would be a horrific choice on my end” Pebble said honestly making Magma squint but nod. “Fine, but don’t try anything” Magma finally spoke with defeat. “Now we have another nicheling in our group!” Stinger said with a grin as he realized this loner thing could be much more fun than he originally thought. “I suppose it’s nice to be able to chat with you again” Porcupine said with a slight smile at her old friend. “Agreed, it’s been too long I have to know what adventures you’ve gone on without me” Pebble said as they sauntered over to Porcupine. With that the group finished their patrol before returning to the heart of their territory to relax. If Crow had learned anything about Prince it was that he wasn’t forceful, at least in the way of forcing her to do anything. He didn’t try to force her to come with him if she didn’t want to, he didn’t force her to spend every second with him, and he never tried to pressure her into having pups if she wasn’t ready. It was odd to her when in her pack the pack’s heirs were forceful and got what they wanted whenever they wanted. “-llo are you listening?” Prince asked with concern as he noticed Crow mindlessly walking after him. “Yes I’m fine” Crow said as her voice slightly cracked from nervousness at being caught zoning out. “Oh well that’s fine! I was wondering if you wanted to come with me on a hunt” Prince responded as he tilted his head at his mate. “Sure, rabill sounds good anyways” Crow replied. “Great! I know a good spot to find them” Prince chirped before turning around and leading Crow to the spot. ‘Maybe…maybe I do genuinely love him’ Crow thought letting herself have a small smile as Prince looked ahead. “Listen I know I haven’t been here really long but it’s so obvious you have a crush on Stinger” Pebble said casually making Porcupine heat up as she turned to Pebble. “SHHH, what if he hears you??” Porcupine said which just made Pebble smirk. “So you do~ Why don’t you just confess? The worst he can do is reject you” Pebble responded with a shrug, not really understanding how this could be such a big deal, making Porcupine sigh. “It’s not that simple! I can’t just confess, and besides they could kick me out” She replied as she looked at the ground. “Hey, how about this? If they kick you out we could travel together like old times, and what if he accepts?” Pebble asked as they looked at Porcupine, trying to comfort her. “Fine, if this goes wrong I’m blaming you though” Porcupine sighed making Pebble smile. “Fair enough” They replied before Porcupine slipped away to find Stinger. Porcupine took a deep breathe as she approached Stinger. “Hi Porcupine, need something?” He asked as he turned towards her. “I…I might uh love you and want to be mates with you?” Porcupine squeaked out, mentally hitting herself for just blurting it without thinking. “…You do?” Stinger asked, wondering if she was being serious. ‘Could she really share my feelings?’ He thought hopefully. “Yes” Porcupine forced out, refusing to look Stinger in the eye. “I feel the same way! I was worried you wouldn’t so I didn’t say anything” Stinger said with a nervous laugh making Porcupine’s eyes widen in shock. “Um I love you” Porcupine said. “I love you too” Stinger said with a smile.
    2 points
  6. Here we have Gabi, my goddess of the harvest and loyalty. Fun fact: Gabi is the only deity that was an actual creature born in a playthrough. All the other deities were just created in sandbox for the sake of having deities. Gabi stayed by a row of berry bushes and picked from them basically her whole life. She stayed loyal to her mate Moku and never bred with anyone else. She fiercely protected her children from any bearyenas that dared to approach her family. She would often bring back rabbils for her family and supplied the tribe with plenty of food during her lifetime.
    2 points
  7. Sorry it has taken so long to post an update! My mom will be helping me with this next month so hopefully things will move along faster. This will be my first sabre fanged nichling plushie!
    2 points
  8. 首先,我是中国人,我的英语不好,所以下面的句子都是机器翻译,如果句子不流畅,对不起 问题: 我们可以添加一点生物吗?到目前为止,我只见过ONBU和人。这似乎在您的更新日志中提到,但我不确定它是否与我的想法相同或相似。 人们的行动逻辑可以改变吗?我怀疑他们的时间都花在了去食堂吃饭上,或者对食物的需求不那么频繁(也可能是我的食堂建得太远了XD) 你能告诉我们Nobu多大了吗?这个细节可能对游戏没有影响,但会让世界更加完美。 我需要更多的可以加工的食物!(如果可以的话,我希望看到不是现实的食物,而不是现实中的食物) 农场不能使用最大范围,这让我很不舒服,未来有没有可以腾出人力的建筑?例如,自动洒水器。 希望Nobu能多一点喜怒无常,现在的Nobu只会饿着肚子吃饭,困了就睡,对周围的景色完全不会有反应(尤其是走过Nobu身体的那部分,虽然音乐很好,但是Nobu完全没有自己的情绪,甚至没有片刻的停留, 就像一台行走的机器,这让我很恼火) 想法: 希望得到一些NOBU寄生虫,然后玩家命令人除掉它,只是霉菌太无聊了(我希望得到一些动物,我想让人吃一些肉,而不是Nobu的血布丁) 作为村长,我想在游戏中有一个节日来和Nobu一起庆祝这些日子,比如元旦(虽然我知道它不符合游戏的主题,但我只想要XD) Nobu的年龄可以用来做很多事情,比如正常难度是青春Nobu,难度难度是壮年NOBU,极难难度是老NOBU,地狱难度是老NOBU,也会影响Nobu在每个难度中的行走速度(作为玩家, 我不想看到Nobu因为我而死,尤其是因为旧死,即使死的原因不是我,所以我不希望Nobu旧死的结局在地狱难度之外) 我想养一些猪、牛、羊和其他动物,我想把诺布的背变成诺亚方舟。 现在对环境的影响只有温度和有毒气体,希望NOBU的动作能够影响温度,比如跑步的时候,NOBU的体温会升高,这会影响农作物的生长和人们的工作效率。在睡眠期间,NOBU的体温会降低,影响植被和农作物的生长。 我希望环境有更多的其他因素,比如山谷里落下的石头挡住了Nobu的去路,Nobu只能用他的身体把它撞开,降低他的生命值。在冰川中,Nobu遇到了减缓行走速度的雪崩。在沙漠中,Nobu会被流沙困住,Nobu需要花点时间才能出来。在森林中,它会被寄生虫寄生。 希望能多一点风景,我知道你以后会出水,但像冰川、山谷、沙漠一样,可以有极光、山崩、海市蜃楼等风景,希望Nobu能做出反应。
    1 point
  9. I know I said I was back in june and then never posted anything and I apologize for that but I think I've finally started a niche save file I'd be interested in continuing! - A pair of nichelings who are expecting pups finally arrived on a new island, away from their old home with the hope to find a better life here. Soon the two had their first pup, who they decided to name Magma. “I can’t wait to take our pup to pick berries when they get older, I’ll teach them everything I can” Wildfire, a light brown nicheling with orange spots, said fondly as he looked at the tiny pup. “As will I” Scarlet simply said with a slight smile at her pup. Magma had quickly grown into a teen and her parents had another pup who they named Stinger for his tail. “I wouldn’t have expected our pups to have fangs” Wildfire said as he curiously tilted his head at his new pup. “It was probably from my great grandmother” Scarlet said as cleared some grass around the nest. “Well maybe the tail was from my family?” Wildfire responded as he casually cleared some more grass before going back to check on their new pup. Meanwhile Magma just scoffed at the way her dad was acting like a mother dodmingo(Listen they don’t have chickens and I wanted to use that phrase-) toward her younger brother. ‘It’s not like he’ll die if you take your eyes off him for a second’ She thought before one of those blue birds screech reminded her of their presence. ‘Okay nevermind than, I guess it’s justified’ Magma thought, slightly embarrassed she didn’t notice it earlier. She decided that since her parents were occupied they wouldn’t notice her explore further than she was supposed to right? Agreeing with her thoughts she turned around and went into the tall grass. At first it was…kinda boring if she was honest. Just more rocks and grass that tickled her paws as she walked, much to her irritation. She had half a mind to rip it out but that would reveal where she went and she really didn’t want to deal with a scolding from her father again. Then she smelled it, a bitter smell that made her scrunch up her nose in disgust. ‘Ew’ was the only thought she had but she was also to curious to ignore the smell of something different, something new. So she followed her nose, minding her senses, and ended up in front of a plant with large leaves and an odd fruit. It was yellow with a red inside making her more curious, she debated trying it until she decided against trying a random fruit she found. She did also acknowledge the mound next to it, it smelled of what did her dad call them?…Rabills, yeah it smelled like those and she did smell them occasionally though they never hunted them. Almost as if fate was listening as a rabill popped out and before it could hide again she pounced on it and hunted it with a quick bite to the neck. ‘I didn’t even have to think to hunt it, instinct maybe?’ She thought as she decided to take a bite, I mean she might as well not waste it right? It tasted amazing, she was so used to the taste of berries that this new flavor made her want more and although she was going to give the rest to her family before she knew it she had devoured the whole thing. ‘Oh uh oops?’ She thought, a bit embarased she hadn’t left any for her family. She then bumped into something causing her to look up and feel the blood drain from her face. It was a huge creature that could break her bones with a single swipe, before she could panic though the large being simply turned away and walked off without a single ounce of aggression much to her confusion. ‘I might’ve gotten lucky this time but I should go’ She thought but then remembered the odd fruit and rabbill mound. So she quickly rubbed her cheek and neck on a nearby rock so she could find it later. She then turned around and went home.
    1 point
  10. YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I BEAT RASPBERRY COOKIE!!!!!! tjat was a really hard boss lmao once i failed because of time limit with 23k health left for her, this time i had 7 seconds left
    1 point
  11. Made some picrews of the kitties Rookstorm Hawkstar Runningflame Monkeyfoot Stoneclaw Willowmoon
    1 point
  12. A topic where someone describes a character (could be yours or from a show or whatever) and then someone else has to draw it (or even make a picrew it doesn't have to be drawn necessarily). When they post their art the descriptor says how accurate it is and the character it was meant to be, possibly with an image attached. You can go wild with the descriptions.
    1 point
  13. no context there is no context like literally i cant explain it to you even if i wanted to i made it a while ago but
    1 point
    1 point
  15. Okeh- uhm... A man with very pale grey-blue skin, 4 black eyes and long white (kinda curly) hair- and a burn scar on his face- ...and white gloves. Also very tall- like 7ft.. That's the best I can describe him. Lol.
    1 point
  16. a, white, and black, cat with blue eyes, and a sleek coat. they have two tails
    1 point
  17. “Who’s that?” Prince asked as Scarlet approached him with a stranger nicheling. “This is Crow. I actually talked to the other pack and mentioned you and how you were my pup and apparently a lot of the girls there jumped at the chance to find a mate in another pack. I chose Crow because she is very knowledgeable and would be amazing at helping you run the pack when we’re gone, I mean we are getting older” Scarlet said making Prince feel a pang of hurt at the fact she chose his mate for him but he trusted his mother’s judgement so he shoved it down in favor of greeting the new nicheling. “Hello Crow, I’m Prince and I can’t wait to get to know you” Prince spoke with a smile, excited to get to know a new nicheling that isn’t family. “Greetings, it’s a pleasure to meet you as well” Crow said in a completely formal manner, she didn’t know this nicheling and even if she would be his mate it would be for his position as heir, making Prince deflate slightly before perking back up at his mother’s words. “Why don’t you show her around the territory? She’ll be staying here after all” Scarlet said making Prince nod. “Of course! C’mon I’ll show you where everything is so you’ll feel home in no time!” Prince said happily as he got up and started to walk to show her the best spots first. “Sounds good to me” Crow replied as she felt irritation at how overly happy Prince was, weren’t pack heirs supposed to act more mature and serious? But she didn’t let it show on her face as she followed him around for the tour, knowing this would be a long day. After some time Magma had started to relax more around Porcupine, to the point where she decided she could leave her and Stinger alone without worrying she would hurt him. Which led to Porcupine and Stinger talking by themselves for once. “Your sister is quite the nicheling isn’t she?” Porcupine asked making Stinger sigh. “Sorry about her, we’ve never met nichelings outside of our family but I didn’t think she’d be that suspicious of a new nicheling” He said as he plucked at the tall grass. “Well I did just randomly join you guys, I wouldn’t be thrilled at a random nicheling trying to join my group without knowing anything about them” Porcupine said with a shrug. “Well since she went off to get food maybe we could talk about you, like were you born a loner?” Stinger asked making Porcupine wince as a flood of memories washed over her. “Ah no, I was kicked out of my old pack” Porcupine said causing Stinger to feel embarrassed asking such a personal question. “Oh sorry, I didn’t know” He said, hoping it wouldn’t ruin his chances of a friendship with her. “It’s fine, it was a long time ago anyway” Porcupine dismissed easily. “Well me and my sister left our pack because of some…family problems” Stinger spoke up. “You don’t have to tell me” Porcupine said as she worried if he felt forced. “Don’t worry I want to. Basically our parents always focused on the newest pup and completely ignored the last, me and Magma only started getting along because our younger brother was born and took all their attention. This ended up causing our parents to fight as our dad felt really bad about it, but them breaking up and sharing the same territory meant it started to feel really tense to the point we couldn’t stay there anymore” Stinger explained. “Oh, well I hope the loner life will be better for you two” Porcupine said. ‘So that’s probably why Magma is so cold and constantly exploring isn’t it?’ She thought before Stinger spoke again. “Well so far it’s so much better! I mean we even met you and it’s great to meet a new nicheling” Stinger said making Porcupine feel slightly sheepish because he was so excited over meeting someone as plain as her. “Well I’m happy to show you two the ropes, you’re both pretty sweet nichelings” Porcupine said bashfully. “Thank you! Though I don’t know what Magma would think of being called sweet. Don’t worry I won’t actually tell her” Stinger said noticing Porcupine’s nervous body language. “You two are sweet though, even loners would probably not let a random nicheling join their group so easily” Porcupine spoke honestly, being accepted by these two felt…nice. “Oh, maybe you could tell me a funny memory you’ve had as a loner?” Stinger asked making Porcupine perk up. “Oh yeah! There was this loner I traveled with for a bit and one time he tried to stick his head in a rabill burrow and got stuck, I laughed so hard and it took till the next morning to pull his head out of it” Porcupine said with a snicker meanwhile Stinger started laughing really hard. “Really? That’s so funny I would’ve loved to see that” Stinger said, pushing down his questions of who this loner was. The rest of the day was spent making jokes and sharing stories until Magma returned with food. “May I ask where we’re going?” Crow asked as Prince led her somewhere. Prince’s trot stuttered a little at her phrasing but he continued onward. “Of course, we’re going somewhere nice. I mean I know we’re already mates but we should know each other more” He said as he happily continued toward the spot he chose for them to enjoy each other’s company. “I see” Crow simply responded, suspicious and wondering if he had ulterior motives with this. Prince’s ears slightly lowered at the still formal tone of his mate. They soon arrived at the edge of their territory, a sandy shore and a place to see the sea for miles. “I planned it so we could watch the sunset together” Prince smiled as he looked at his mate with burning excitement at seeing something so pretty together, only for it to be doused by the indifferent look on her face. “Oh, it’s very nice” Crow said, though it would be a lie to say she hated such a pretty sight along with her mate being so sweet to plan this for them. She didn’t expect this from a pack heir at all. “Of course, my mate deserves everything. Also may I say your fur is very pretty in this lighting” Prince said as he admired the way the pink and yellow light reflected on Crow’s pelt. “Oh um thank you, you look p- nice too” Crow said a little less formal as she stopped herself from calling him pretty, not knowing if that would signal her being really close to him. “Well thank you too. Also if you wouldn’t mind I wanted to ask…what was your birth pack like?” Prince asked and immediately regretted it as he watched Crow straighten back up and speak completely formally again. “It was good” Was the only thing she said but she knew that was a lie, but she didn’t exactly know if that would change Prince’s opinion of her. ‘When do I care what he thinks? I’m only here to get the power that comes with being the leader’s mate’ Crow thought though even she didn’t know if that was completely honest. “Oh, Okay” Prince said deciding to drop it. “Why don’t we enjoy the view while we can?” he continued which made Crow slightly relax at him not pushing the subject. “Sounds good” Crow replied as she looked at the setting sun, feeling almost…peaceful for once. ‘Maybe this won’t be as bad as I thought’ she thought to herself. The two spent time watching the sunset before they left to sleep for the night.
    1 point
  18. Also, quick question, should I sign my art or not?
    1 point
  19. Current favourite nicheling that I spent more than a couple of hours on lol
    1 point
    1 point
  21. “We did focus too much on our newest pup” Wildfire said after their pups had wandered off to their respective activities. Scarlet just looked up at her mate before speaking. “Well of course we needed to keep an eye on the younger ones, the older one’s can handle themselves” Scarlet said simply making Wildfire look over in surprise. “Even after seeing what happened today? We should spend more time with Stinger and especially Magma, we haven’t spent any real time with her since she was a pup” He said as he felt guilt settle in his chest. “They have each other’s company, they’ll be fine as long as they be more careful next time” Scarlet said making the usually peaceful Wildfire start to bristle. “They’re obviously not! Young nichelings, even teen nichelings, need their parents company sometimes even if they seem like they don’t need it!” He responded with irritation lacing his tone. “Oh and you’re the expert? You’ve done the exact same thing I did” Scarlet said as she narrowed her eyes at him. “I never said I was, but at least I realize that what I’ve done is wrong and is hurting them. You’re acting like they’re making a scene over a small thorn in their paw when they’ve been…neglected by us, of course they’re angry with us!” Wildfire started to growl as his mate seemed to not be remorseful at all. “They’ll get over it, I mean Magma’s almost an adult by now so she’ll see reason” Scarlet said making Wildfire extremely angry before sighing in defeat. “We’re no longer mates” Wildfire gave a monotone reply which finally got a reaction as Scarlet whipped her head to look at him in shock. “What? But we’ve been through so much together, don’t you remember why we came here?!” She snarled making Wildfire scoff. “Of course, but I don’t think I can be mates with someone who thinks our pups will ‘get over’ us neglecting them. I thought you were better than them” Wildfire said with feelings of guilt, pain, and sadness all turning in his chest making him almost feel ill. “So what, you’re gonna kick me out of the territory to fend for myself?!” Scarlet continued in disbelief. ‘After all we’ve been through’ she thought to herself in shock. “No, you can stay. But we’re no longer mates, just packmates now” Wildfire said simply before turning around and walking away before his emotions made him run back to the mate he’s had since he was a teen. Scarlet just stared after Wildfire with a blank expression, still feeling like this was just a nightmare. ‘I thought you said you’d never leave me, what a pathetic promise’ She thought with irritation. To say things were tense in the pack would be an understatement, it felt suffocating. Like one wrong word would start an argument type of suffocating. Magma and Stinger didn’t exactly stick around and went exploring even more than usual, which is an impressive feat considering they were almost never in their home territory before. Prince was extremely bitter about the whole thing. ‘Why did they have to come back only to start a fight. Everything was amazing before they started yelling at our parents. Now everything is so tense, why did those two troublemakers have to ruin everything!?’ He thought to himself as he looked at the crabbit that skittered away from him. ‘Now I have to deal with the fallout of this whole thing while they prance away on an adventure without any responsibilities’ He continued his thoughts as he started to rip some tall grass to expand their territory a little as he felt more room to breathe would make this slightly more bearable. ‘I’m sure they’ll get their karma soon enough, for not leaving it alone when it was fine’ He finished his spiral of thoughts as his paw scraped a sharp rock in the sand making him let out a hiss of pain. Prince just sighed and decided to sleep off his stress to ignore it another day. Magma and Stinger decided to live as loners for now as living in their pack was anxiety inducing and stressful. “How do we even live as loners, we’ve always been in a pack” Stinger asked as the two walked aimlessly through the tall grasses. “In case you haven’ noticed we’ve basically already been living as loners with how much we left the territory” Magma pointed out. “I guess but we’ve always had somewhere to go back to” Stinger said while walking over a rabill burrow. “Well maybe we could find a place to make a small territory if it makes you feel better” Magma responded as she smelled for a berry bush. “Loners can have territory?” Stinger asked with a tilt of his head. “I’m not exactly sure but as long as we aren’t encroaching on another pack’s territory I don’t see why not” Magma said as she found that berry bush. “Maybe somewhere near this, for a nearby foot source” She said as she looked over at Stinger. “Sounds good to me!” Stinger said so the two started to clear grass nearby to start a small territory. After spending most of the day doing that Magma stiffened. “Do you smell that?” She asked as she looked around. Curiously Stinger sniffed the air too and became tense. “That’s another nicheling” Stinger simply replied before the two tracked down the scent and came face to face with another nicheling. “Who are you?” Magma asked suspiciously as she stared at the nicheling. “No need to be so tense, I’m Porcupine. What are two pack nichelings doing out here?” The nicheling responded though their body languge implied they were more afraid then they let on. “We just left our pack, we’re gonna be loners!” Stinger said being curious about this new nicheling, I mean the only nichelings he saw before were from his family. “Oh well maybe I could help, I’ve been a loner my whole life” Porcupine said as she watched the two former pack nichelings. “No offense but we just met you we’ll be fi-” Magma started but Stinger interrupted. “Oh c’mon we need help with this whole loner thing! And besides strength in numbers and all that” He said causing Magma to sigh. “Fine” She said with defeat while Porcupine perked up, happy they didn’t automatically run her off or something. “Well thank you! Let’s start with a few basics. So first of all if you’re a loner be wary of pack nichelings, they can be nice but a lot of them will run you off or worse” Porcupine instructed making the two just nod and continue listening. “Second keep your territory small unless you have more numbers, a big loner territory with few loners will be taken by packs especially if they have things like lots of food or nests” She continued as the two nodded and made mental notes of what she was saying, Magma may be suspicious of this nicheling but things like that sound true enough to not brush off. “And third be wary of what loners you let in your group because while we have a tendency to be nicer to each other there will always be rotten berries” Porcupine said making Magma squint at her. “I know I’m a new nicheling and a random loner but I see no point in trying anything, especially seeing how big you are and how you have a scorpion tail and fangs” Porcupine said as she looked at Magma and Stinger respectively with some fear at what they could do if they wanted to try and hurt her. “That’s the basic stuff. Oh by the way I never got your names?” Porcupine asked slightly shrinking under Magma’s gaze. “Oh I’m Stinger!” Stinger spoke up without any issue as Porcupine hadn’t done anything bad. “Magma” Was all Magma said as she didn’t really trust this nicheling. “You have some nice names” Porcupine said. “Um would it be alright if I stayed with you two for a little bit, I haven’t had company for a while” She continued as she pointedly looked away from Magma. “We can’t invite a random nicheling to stay with us while we sleep” Magma said. “Oh c’mon it’ll be fine, besides we can fight if we need to” Stinger replied. “Fine” Was the clipped response Magma gave. Stinger beamed in excitement and Porcupine deflated in relief at the thought of company. The three spent the night talking and collecting berries.
    1 point
  22. I would also want alternative ways to do things without harming onbu at all.
    1 point
  23. At this point it was habit for Magma and Stinger to explore outside the territory every few days so they had become used to each other’s company as they poked around the large island they lived on. “Oh it’s that weird fruit” Magma said before walking in the direction of the bitter scent. “Huh? What fruit?” Stinger asked as he followed behind her curiously before smelling the air. “Ugh it’s so bitter” He said as he scrunched up his nose. The two quickly arrived where the fruit was sitting. “Is it edible?” Stinger asked as he approached it. “I’m not sure” Magma said as she tried to block her brother from eating it without hesitation. Sadly it was for nothing as the second she wasn’t looking at him he snuck around her and had already taken a bite of the fruit. “It’s really bitter” Stinger said as his face scrunched up. “Are you always going to do that?” Magma asked with a defeated sigh. “Yep. Also it might’ve tasted bitter but the scrapes I got earlier feel much better” Stinger said as he walked around to test it. “Huh, a healing fruit?” Magma asked as she inspected the rest of the fruit and against her better judgement took a bite of it as well. As he said the scratches she got from some sharp rocks she stepped on earlier felt much better and were in almost no pain at all. “Wow you eating everything we find was pretty helpful” She said with some surprise. “See it can be a good thing!” Stinger said as he proudly puffed his chest. “That’s not encouragement” Magma quickly replied to make sure he didn’t take that as a challenge. Stinger deflated with a grumble making Magma snicker as the two continued exploring. (I forgot a screenshot for this one too wow) - At this point they were almost never in their home territory anymore as they enjoyed exploring much more. As Magma and Stinger went back to the bitter healing fruit they encountered something they had only heard about but never seen with their own eyes. “Is that a bearyena?” Stinger whispered which caught the attention of the large beast and made it turn around and notice the pair which were still frozen in terror. Magma yelped as the beast quickly slammed it’s paw into her side making her fly a few feet away onto the ground. “HEY!” Stinger growled and launched himself at the beast, stinging it with his tail more out of instinct than anything else. The beast roared in pain and desperately tried to claw at the furious nicheling on its back. In it’s panic it didn’t notice Magma had recovered from being winded and attacked it as well making it snarl and bat at her but she was able to dodge out of the way in time. After some time playing this ‘game’ the bearyena decided it wasn’t worth it and ran off making Stinger jump off and check on Magma. “Are you okay??” Stinger asked as he walked up to Magma. “I’m fine, just got winded nothing serious” Magma said before speaking again “What about you? You were literally on it’s back” “It only nicked me thankfully” Stinger said making her squint her eyes for a second before sighing and nodding. “Maybe relaxing in our territory wouldn’t hurt” Magma said as she stretched with a wince. “Yeah, I wanna take a nap anyways” Stinger agreed before the two went back home to rest. “Where have you two been? We haven’t seen you all day!” Wildfire said as he spotted Magma and Stinger making them look over in surprise. “Nothing serious just got attacked by a bearyena” Stinger said bitterly, with both him and Magma wondering why they suddenly care now. “A BEARYENA?! But there hasn’t been a single scent of it on our territory, how did it sneak by?” Wildfire said as Scarlet simply gave them a stern stare. “They must’ve sneaked off of our territory than” Scarlet spoke up making Magma scoff. ‘So they didn’t notice or care before, wow’ She thought bitterly. “You just noticed that?! Do you not care about us at all?!” Stinger growled causing Wildfire to look down in shame while Prince snickered. “Well I’m the youngest, they probably thought you could take care of yourselves but I guess not huh?” Prince said making Stinger bristle and Magma just blankly stare at him. “I don’t want to hear it when all you do is sit around and eat berries!” Stinger growled making Prince bitter. “No! I help clear grass and make sure the territory stays strong!” He replied as he took a step towards Stinger. “There’s no need to fight like pups, you’re all teens now” Scarlet said making the three siblings look at her with varying degrees of irritation. “Didn’t you fight with your siblings too?” Stinger huffed. “I didn’t have siblings” Scarlet simply responded. “Well than you wouldn’t know about it” Magma responded bitterly. “But I’m your mother so I expect you three to get along, siblings are supposed to be close right?” Scarlet said more like a statement than an actual question. ‘I get along with Magma just fine, I don’t need to get along with all my siblings’ Stinger thought as he simply turned away from Prince and wandered toward a berry bush. Magma simply rolled her eyes and followed Stinger, not wanting to be around Prince if she didn’t need to.
    1 point
  24. ‘Just as I thought, they didn’t notice a thing’ Magma thought as she saw her parents watching over Stinger. As she stepped into view Wildfire looked over at her. “Magma could you get some more berries for Stinger, he’s a really hungry pup” He said causing Magma’s ears to flick in irritation. “Sure” She gave a clipped response as she walked over to the berry bush and plucked some before walking over and dropping them in front of Stinger. Before anyone could say anything she turned around and walked to the edge of their small territory and laid down with a huff. ‘Not getting noticed is what I wanted right? Well still I didn’t want a chore to do the second I got back, but of course Stinger is sooo important’ She thought bitterly before slowly closing her tired eyes for a nap. (I kinda forgot to get a screenshot for this so whoops) - The days had blurred together a bit for Magma just her usual routine, exploring, sleeping, eating, remarking that scent post so she didn’t lose it. And before she knew it not only was there a new pup, Prince, but Stinger was a teen and allowed to explore with Magma, much to her annoyance. “This is so boring! There’s only sand, grass, and rocks” Stinger complained as he dragged his paws along the ground. “If it’s so boring than go back home” Magma replied as she continued forward through the sandy shore. “But our parents only care about Prince now, they spend all their time watching him” Stinger huffed as he kicked a pebble with his paw, watching it splash into the water. Magma almost said ‘How does it feel’ but held her tongue as she sniffed the air for something new. Magma’s ears perked up as she smelled something odd and new. Stinger spluttered out some complaints as she darted off toward the scent without even looking at her younger brother making him bolt after her. “What could’ve possibly made you-” Stinger started before seeing what Magma was staring at. “What is that thing?” He asked as he pushed past his sister to investigate which made Magma grumble and push him back before going first. “I don’t know, but it smells fine” Magma said after sniffing the odd thing near the tree. Magma used her paw and ended up opening the thing and it smelled better. Stinger perked up and ran over to the thing…before eating whatever was inside without hesitation making Magma stare at him in shock. “What? It smelled good, and it tastes even better!” Stinger said confused as to why Magma was looking at him like he was challenging a bearyena to a fight. “If you die I take no responsibility” Magma said as she wondered if they were poisonous. “Wow what a kind sister you are” Stinger deadpanned as he grumpily continued eating, I mean if it was bad he might as well enjoy his last moments eating something that tastes good. “That doesn’t mean keep eating it!” Magma said as she batted the thing away from him making it fall into the ocean. “HEY! That was a waste of food” Stinger said as he sadly looked over at the thing that was now floating off. “We should ask mom and dad what it is” Magma said as she turned around and started walking. “I guess” Stinger grumbled as he followed his sister with his paws dragging again. On their 6th or 7th exploring trip together Magma and Stinger found yet another interesting thing. “What’s that?” Stinger asked he curiously circled the plant with odd berries on it. “I’m not sure” Magma simply replied as she sniffed at the plant. Stinger just shrugged and popped a few of the berries into his mouth. “WHA- WHY DO YOU JUST EAT WHATEVER WE FIND WITHOUT A SINGLE SHRED OF CAUTION?!” Magma yelped as she watched her brother eat the berries. “Well we can’t figure out if they’re edible any other way, and besides they taste fine to me” Stinger said as he ate another. Magma waited for a bit before nibbling one herself, that was a bad choice as she immediately spat it back out. “Those taste horrific, how are you still eating them??” Magma said as she gulped some nearby water to wash away the taste. “What do you mean? They taste good” Stinger said with confusion. “Guess my stomach just doesn’t agree with them” Magma responded as she sniffed out some normal berries. “Well more for me!” Stinger said as he continued devouring them, with Magma carefully keeping an eye on him in case something did happen. When nothing did she relaxed some and they ate in peace until it started to get dark. “We should go home, our parents might get worried” Magma said as she looked around. “No, they would’ve been looking for us if they were” Stinger mumbled as he ate. “Still, I’d rather not deal with a lecture” Magma said as she got up. “Okay, we should mark this place though” Stinger said causing Magma to nod before they scent marked the place for later adventures then headed back home.
    1 point
  25. I really liked Niche and wanted give a shot this for new game. My English writing is a little lacking, I hope you get what I'm trying to say. Plus: - Lovely and relaxing - I really like the idea and Ombu - I once cut the treed down in large area and later started thinking why there were no more trees. Then I understoond that I of course need some trees alive that they can reproduce. Oops. This was amazing! Really hits up the environment theme. Minus: - Poison spreads a way too fast, even in easiest difficulty. Sometimes I dont have the flamethrower guys ready when poison starts. And when I did have them and a lot of fuel, they were a way too slow to help and my village died for poison and starvation. This is the big minus and very frustrating. I mean, if I lose because of my mistake, thats fair game, I have to do better next time. But if I can't do anything about poison even if I try my best, it is just frustrating. - Villagers intelligence is sometimes off. For example, I want some wood and mark two trees. One person comes on the other side of the map, hits tree, and then leaves. A little later some other person comes and pick up wood. And then I have to wait until some other comes to cut the second tree down. Maybe they should check if there are nearby tasks before walking to the ther side of the map? Or pick up those wood they just took down, instead leaving them to some other villager? When my berry farm collapsed (I was just fighting against poison and starvation) I marked it fixed to the highest priority. No one did come, so they died for hunger instead... A lot more text in minus, but that's because it is easier to write. I like this game overall, and I'm waiting what will comes in updates.
    1 point
  26. I am doing unpaid labor for school
    1 point
  27. I see your point, I would also not want harm Onbu if I can. But since it is not required to have any of these machines, its totally fine, I've seen tech trees with more worthless stages inbetween. In The Wandering Village I can decide at least if I want to have these things, since it is separated from the rest of the techs. I would find it interesting to see, if there would be a mechanic, where Onbu is reacting more on these harmful devices. Every big animal is trying to get rid of flys or parasites by waving its tail or scrubbing against walls and trees. Onbu could do the same. The benefits of harming Onbu come then with the disadvantage of losing people or buildings.
    1 point
  28. We're mosquitoes on his back. Yes, he might find us annoying when we take a bit of bile, but it's not hurting him much.
    0 points
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